Air Conditioning

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"Magnus," whined Alec, "I'm freezing." Magnus turned toward his boyfriend, who was visa blue shaking.

"You can always use the spare blankets I have in the closet," he said, taking at sip of his coffee.

"I'm never going into the closet again," laughed Alec, "and besides, I want to be warmed by body heat."

"I guess we can have sex, but your sister and mother are coming over in five minutes."

"I want to cuddle with you," moaned Alec, wrapping his arms around himself.

"So after months of dating, now you want to cuddle?" Asked Magnus jokingly.

"The cold doesn't suit me well," stated Alec, "and winter is supposed to be romantic." Magnus's eyes popped out of his head.

He raced toward the Shadowhunter, and jumped next to him on the couch. Alec soon wrapped his arms around him, smiling against the warlocks long sleeved shirt.

"I wish it was always cold," murmured Magnus, as sleep overtook him.


When Magnus woke, he notice the absence of Alec, but found a blanket and a pink post it note on him, explaining that Maryse called Alec over with some important news.

Magnus thought of what Alec said before, about cold weather equals cuddles. Then it struck him like a wrecking ball cleaner then the one ridden by Milly Cyrus.

He snapped his fingers, dropping the temperature. Alec walked in, wearing his armor and holding a seraph blade.

"Shit," he yelled, running toward the closet full of extra blankets, "is it colder now?" Magnus laughed.

"No, it's not honey," he said, kissing the top of Alec's head.

"I cannot get sick," he exclaimed, wrapping the multicolored blankets around him. "I have to be at a very important Clave meeting next week."

"Then maybe we should cuddle," stated Magnus, wanting to fell his Shadowhunter bury his head in his neck.

"I have to go to sleep now," said Alec, "I have to be in Idris tomorrow for pre-meeting stuff." Magnus sighed as he snapped himself in warm pajamas. He walked into their room, were Alec was already laying on his side of the bed, his back facing Magnus's side. He sighed once more, before getting underneath the covers.

"Can you share some of those?" He asked Alec.

"No," he answered, followed by light snoring. Magnus huffed, as another idea come to mind. He snapped his fingers, warming the loft. Magnus faced Alec, as he started to pant, throwing off the blankets, and started to strip off his clothes. Magnus watched as Alec shimmied out of his boxers, and jumped on top of the cover, his body facing Magnus.

"Best idea ever," whispered Magnus, as he snapped his clothes off, and kissed Alec's smiling face.

"I know."

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