Every beautiful face doesn't have a beautiful heart

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The carriage continued its way, leaving clouds of dust behind.

“We are almost there,” said the guard and a tiny smile played around her lips

The grand black golden iron gates opened up for the carriage, strong white horses of the carriage making their way through the massive garden

“She is here! Hurry up!” one servant to another all the maids and servants hurried to their places

The horses snorted in front of the main entrance of the mansion

All the servants checked their cloths and caps quickly, in a whisper one of them said, “here we go”

The guard opened the door of the carriage and came three stair steps, all eyes were on the carriage and then she appeared

In a velvet, satin blackish green puffy dress, embroidered with black threads  around the upper body with touches of net, showing off her perfect neck and shoulder skin with a small hat with half net veil just to cover those big blue eyes, she stepped down elegantly with a fan in her hand, alluring perfume on her body, twinkling gem earrings pierced on her ears. She looked around the garden and then at her mansion, which was magnificent as she was big windows, crafted wooden doors, servants lined up in proper uniforms and grass trimmed to perfection.

She shoots her gaze at the maids who were staring at her, she knew well they were adoring her dress and her beauty but then she was she...

“Have the servants here lost their manners they seem to have forgotten what their status is,” she said in a sarcastic tone gazing with dislike in her eyes at the maids

 “One should only look at what their status allows them to, remind me where should a servant’s gaze be?” she asked, giving a despicable look to the silently standing la servante

One of them finally said, “on the ground mademoiselle,”

“Exactly”  with a grin, “ now go fetch my luggage”

She started walking towards her house and the doors were opened in her welcome

“Daddy!” she cried with excitement and rushing towards her father,

“Ah! My beautiful daughter, my gem” him hugging her, looking at her, “look at you, your mother would have been so proud of you, such a lady you have become”

“I missed you daddy, it's good to be back”

“How was your trip?” looking at her luggage with a raised eyebrow

“Trip was alright, and I have to leave half of my luggage behind because there was not enough space in the carriage” giving an angry look to the guards who were responsible to bring her back home

“Well, no need to be upset. That can be sorted out I believe gentlemen ” her father nodding to the guards and they nodded in response and left the mansion

“Darling Amber, you should rest now” General said to her with eyes full of love.

“Ok daddy,” she started walking and as her delicate hands touched  the banister of the fine polished wooden staircase, she stopped,“where is my evening drink?” and in second three different drinks were presented to her by a young butler. Looking at the nervous, lean and tall butler she picked the middle goblet, “better,” she spoke moving her eyes slowly up down the butler

No servant was appointed without Amber’s consent, they all had to pass her check list to be approved. Men were better looking and female servants were average or below so she could enjoy their misery and jealousy. Half of the servants, were just there because of good pay, but mostly because and the sake of the General who was very kind, compassionate and worked for village welfare.

Amber was the only child of the General as her mother passed away giving her birth, General loved his wife so he did not marry again instead dedicated his whole life to make Amber’s life perfect and extraordinarily lavish. General never noticed and mostly ignored her stubbornness and arrogance. Blinded by daughter- father love,he seems to have forgotten the very bitter fact about life destiny,fate cannot be bought nor given

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