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My heart stuttered when I heard my father's voice behind me. My feet stopped--finally, my brain has been telling them to for a while now--and I pivoted on my heel. Monica isn't safe, especially now.

I ran back, much faster than I had run away. I got back in time to see them loading Monica into a black van, my dad coming in after her.

"Monica!" I shouted. "MONICA!"

She turned her head, the only emotion on her face being pure terror. I could feel tears prick my eyes. No, my dad can't take her away. He took everything I had away. My life, my body, my trust in him. He can't take away my only friend.

My hand shot the tire of the van. The doors closed, though, but not before I could hear a strangled cry from Monica. The van drove off, and I realized it had those special tires. I had designed them myself, never to be worn down or broken.

I chased after the van, cursing myself the whole time. But as it slowly got away, the chance to save Monica slipped away.

I stopped in the road. Of course they had to use a vehicle that didn't fly. I couldn't hack into the van because there was nothing to hack, and the tires were made years ago before hovers were.

Life hates me now, doesn't it.

Anger tingled through my veins. I could feel the titanium heating up in response, which opened a new idea. My eyes darted around until I found a hover I could drive. I pressed my hand on the window and let it melt, not keeping track of where the van was because I know exactly where it's going.

I opened the door through the hole in the window, ignoring the alarm going off, and pressed the power button. I will save Monica. Not only that, but I will find out what's happening to the people, and I will save them all too.

I floored the gas and flew down the road. A fuzzy plan went through my mind. My dad probably wants me to come after him to make it easier to catch me, so I'll have to be careful. I know all the security codes, and if he changes them I can just melt through all the doors and shoot down all the robots.

As I drove the city got more and more familiar, and I could see the security bots chasing me as the hover alarm went off, but I just drove faster.

I checked the gas and cursed. Almost empty. It just has to last me to the Lab. Just another mile or so.

Suddenly the hover stopped and fell to the ground. Another alarm popped up, telling me that this road was closed off now. I growled and rammed my hand into the wheel. I didn't check to see if I broke it before shoving the door open and running down the street. I would get there. Destroy everything. Save Monica. Get information. Save everyone else. A fool proof plan.

I glanced over my shoulder and cursed. The bots were getting closer. Of course they were. I threw my right hand behind me and changed it into a gun, firing randomly and hoping I hit one of them. Or all of them. If I get caught I can't to anything.

It started to rain. It was then I began to laugh. Of course it was raining. I know the bots would stop following me, at least. Rain is too acidic for their protective coating. But now I have to stop running.

Life just loves me, doesn't it?

Yet as I told myself to take shelter before the rain got harder, my feet only speed up. Anger and fear burned through my veins, the rational side of my brain practically gone. Forget safety. Monica isn't safe, so neither can I be.

After a little bit, the Lab came into view. It was really easy to see, a skyscraper maybe two thousand feet high. Shiny, white, center of the city. It's where the Roman Coliseum used to be. By the time I saw it, though, my skin burned and my clothes weren't dealing with it well.

I saw the security bots, and I knew my dad had tripled the security. Of course he did. Just more things for me to shoot down. My heart was racing, and I was coated in sweat. Maybe I could get rid of all this acid.

My head began to pound, and a little alarm flashed in my eye telling me my adrenaline levels have dropped dramatically. Well, thanks for that. Apparently shut down is imminent. I'm not a robot,  I hissed to myself.

What I just thought hit me like a slap in the face. All this time I have been contradicting Monica about robots, but now...I sound almost like her. I shivered and went for an alley I would be safe in. Funny how much a person can affect you in just a few days.

As I lay in the alley, my ragged breaths the only thing I could hear, a sudden calm washed over me. I could do it. Help people more than I ever have before. Help Monica. Maybe I can put her pieces back together along the way.

And when my eyes closed, a little song went playing through my head. One that Monica had listened to a little while ago. When I passed out, a trace of a smile was left on my lips.


Hey y'all. Sorry I haven't posted in a while, and that this chapter was short. I've been going through a lot lately and am now writing four books at the same time, which can be very stressful. Please try to understand.

Don't know how many chapters left till the end, but we're definitely getting close. Hold on a little longer, if you can.

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