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I took him outside and dumped him in the street.

I went back to the house, and I almost went inside. But I heard a hover coming. The magnetic field between the hover and the road would crush him, I couldn't just leave him. I mean, he did run over me with his hover, but it was an accident and I was awake. I bit my lip, turning around. Turning the corner was a hover, and they were on auto-pilot, the person inside taking a nap. They wouldn't even know they ran over him.

The rational, nicer side of me told me to get him out of the street. The other, meaner, and larger side of me told me to just leave him there. He isn't my problem.

Be nice to everyone. You don't have to let them in, but if you're nice, they'll be nice to you. My mother's words reverberated through my head. Of the few things I remember of her, that is the most remembered one other than my dream. All my life everyone was cruel to me before I did anything. Maybe, if I was nice...

The hover picked up speed, and I cursed the idiot behind the wheel. You don't do stuff like that.

The hover drove past me, and my heart was pounding. It nearly hit me. I turned on my back in the grass, taking in breaths. An unconscious cyborg was to my left, and probably will never know that I just saved his stupid life.

I sat up, and stood, but something grabbed my ankle. I screamed, whipping around, but it was Haiu. I kicked him in anger. "Don't do that! You scared the crap out of me!"

"No I didn't, you just went to the bathroom."

I kicked him in the gut again. He let me go, and I went to the house. I jumped when I heard his voice behind me. "I was beginning to worry you would actually leave me in the road."

"You were awake?"

"Yes. It takes more than a big wooden knife-holder to knock me out. It was a test."

"A test? For what, see how mean and cruel I am? Well, I'm sorry, you'll be quite disappointed." I said, opening the door. I closed it quickly behind me, but Haiu stuck his foot in the doorway. I pushed harder on the door, but it didn't budge because he was pushing on it too.

"Why do you want to be in my house so badly?!" I asked, digging my heel into his bare foot. It did nothing. Either he had high pain tolerance, or behind this door he was crying.

"Because. If I go anywhere else they'll be weird."

"Weird? Really? Just go to your house! Leave me alone!"

"I mean, swooning, trying to get their hand in my pants weird. Even married women, it's creepy."

"Yes. I got that. Now leave."

"But when you met me you punched me."

"You ran me over with your hover! What was I supposed to do, thank you for running over me?"

"Some people would."

"I'm not some people. Okay, do you have an iron foot or something? Do I need to get a hammer?" I asked, referring to the fact that while I was talking I was still pushing on the door. Suddenly it swung open and I fell on my butt. "No. I was leaning on the door so it wouldn't move. I ask that you stop throwing knives at me, or I will make knife puns."

"You are threatening me with puns?"

"Yes. Be scared." he said, offering me his hand. I was scared to take it. Would he Tase me? Would he throw me over his shoulder? Would he take his hand away at the last second?

"You look like you've never seen a hand before." he said. I stood up saying, "You can't handle my long story, so let's cut to the chase and get to the point. I don't trust people." I shoved him out of the door, and as I closed the door he exclaimed, "I didn't know you were punny!"

I locked the door and then barricaded it with the couch.

"Wow, that must have been heavy, especially since is was sofa away from the door." Haiu said from the hallway. I jumped. "How did you get in here?"

"Your window is very transparent, I hit it on my way in. Might want to get a new window, I can help you get one at the tech store."

"Why did you break my window? How did you break my window? Can you please just leave me alone?"

"Don't worry, I only thought I broke it. But the window is crystal clear, perfectly fine."

"Stop it with the puns!"

He dug in his pocket and handed me a piece of paper that said 'take one' and puns below it. "My puns are tearable, I know."

"I want to kick you so badly right now, but I could just give you a paper cut." I muttered. I looked back up at Haiu and slapped his face, and stuck the paper in his mouth. "Enter my house one more time, and I'll pelt you with bullets."

"But I have nowhere to go." he said, his voice a lot deeper. Apparently when he was happy his voice got higher in pitch. Now his eye was telling me he was worried, scared, and pleading. If is multiple emotions, the eye had multiple colors. So it was light purple, deep yellow, and light blue. "What happened to your dad?" I asked, turning around. He looked so pitiful right now, I couldn't look at him. He looked like Kathi when I told her I was going on vacation without her.

"He's the best man on Earth. He just...I can't go back."

"If he's so nice, why not go back? You know what, never mind. That's not my problem. Just leave me alone."

"Why do you want to be alone?"

My blood was boiling. I clenched my fists, and grit my teeth. I didn't want to be alone, to be honest. The sad, lonely, majority part of me wanted him to stay. Make friends. But the smaller part of me that always ended up winning told me not to trust him. Anyone. Ever.

"Because I do. If I come back in here and you're still here, I'm calling the police."

"You can't, they're after you--"

"JUST SHUT UP!" I shouted, and stomped off to my room. I slammed my door as hard as I could, making the house rattle. I slid down the wall, my heart pounding. I let out a breath, and beagn to cry quietly.


Hey, It's the author here. Just a heads up, the perspective will change a few times. As in, from first person P.O.V. to third-person. First person will always be Monica, though.

Anyway, keep reading the story! I'll try to update every day ;)

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