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I shrieked and kicked him. He did nothing except take a sharp breath. Oh no. I woke him up.

I backed away. I have to hide! He was basically a robot with a human body, I had to--


I looked to him. His damp brown hair was in his eyes, but there was no mistaking the one technological eye. It was one of the fancy ones that showed your emotion based on color. It was a deep yellow right now. Confusion.

"Who are you? Where--where's dad?" he asked, sitting up. Worry was seeping into his voice, turning one of his eyes purple. The other stayed green. I looked away from him, and I heard him gasp and then I heard a thump. And a crash. I looked back and saw he was now tugging on pants from beside a now broken computer. "I am sorry if I have scarred you for life. But you really have to tell me who you are." he said, zipping up a jacket.

"I...um...wait, who are you?"

"I asked the question first, haha."

"I...I...um..." I began. What was I supposed to do? He was a robot! I looked to his hands that were now resting at his sides. Could they turn into guns? Could he shoot me?

Suddenly he came at me. I was pinned to a wall, one of his eyes a burning red. "You. I recognize you. You were there."

"What? Where? Can you please put me down?" I gasped, but his hand tightened on my throat.

"Where is my dad? Tell me or I will send you crawling--"

"Stupid robot." I whispered, weakly tugging at his fingers. I was getting dizzy.

His eye flashed yellow, and he dropped me. "I'm not a robot."

"It said--on the computer--"

"What computer?"

I pointed, finger shaking. He looked back, and read it. He paled. Wait. How is he a robot that could do this?

"Wait...hold on...I have a question for you. Tell me something about a tragic event. Big fire recently?" he asked, not turning to face me. My heart hammered. "I...I...um...a year ago, Zion Willis's son was killed in a housefire..."

He stilled. "Why were you there? Why did you start the fire?"

"I came here to kill a robot, and that's the only killing I was going to do in my life. I'm not a pyromaniac." I snapped, and he jerked his head to me. He squinted, his eye turning green. Thinking.

"Today is the...you were going to kill the robot." he whispered. He turned to me, eyes fresh with a new blaze. "Who sent you? Croix Tech? And you still haven't explained why--"

"I came here on my own accord because guess what I hate robots. I know, crazy, right? Get over it. Show we where it is and we can both be on our way. I forget you, you forget me, and I go along my way." I growled, standing up. I picked up my book bag, and looked at my hoodie. It looked a lot better than the jacket he was wearing.

I yanked it off and threw it at his head. "Wear that instead. My Little Pony jackets fit little girls, not young men."

He looked at the hoodie, then me. His eyes got wide. He cursed. "I'm so sorry. This hoodie...you looked just like him."

"Him? I looked like a guy? I'm wearing a skirt, for crying out loud! Who are you even talking about?"

"Nobody. Never mind. But you still aren't going to ruing all of my father's hard work."

"Well, your father's hard work has--wait. Hold on. You--your--" I cut myself off. I strode across the room, and punched him square in the jaw. I yelped in pain as I hit metal. Robot? No. He probably just had a titanium jaw. I know he's human. I've even met him.

"Ow! What was that for?"

"You don't remember me? No, you probably wouldn't. After all, I'm just a 'random girl' you ran over with your hover, and then just told me to watch where I'm going. And then add the fact you...are you. Cyborg."

"Wait, I never--ooooh. That's you? You looked so beaten up."

"I was ran over by a hover, idiot. Of course I did."

"Well, I tried to apologize the next day at lunch, but I couldn't find you."

"I. Was ran over. By a hover. Where do you think I was, at home sipping on sweet tea watching old Disney movies? And then you could have apologized when I came back the next day."

"I didn't recognize you without the mask you had on."

"I don't even know why we are talking about this. I'm leaving to find the robot, and then--"

"No." he said sternly, grabbing my arm. I winced and yanked it away. "I am going to prevent something horrible to happen to little girls and boys by doing this. At least postpone it. Robots suck and humans are almost useless now. That sentimental robot could also turn against us and wipe out the human race leaving this only robots. So, aha, goodbye, Haiu."

I stormed from the room. We had went to the same school. He had ran over me. And I was left on the street, just waiting for the girl and her bodyguard to come. They were the real reason I had been in the hospital. Honestly, I didn't like Haiu at all. On TV he's always smiling and waving, surrounded by girls. Or at least, he was. He's supposed to be dead.


I froze. "How do you even know my name?"

"It's on the back of your book bag. You can't just say conspiracy theories--"

"Leave me alone. Don't talk to me ever again. Tell anyone what I'm going to do, and I'll stick the code in you instead." I spat, and marched off.

But then the alarms rang, and I saw a bunch of security bots looming over the one I ruined. I quickly slid back into the room, bumping into Haiu. I ignored him and tapped the windows once, making them turn from black to clear. I grabbed a nearby computer and threw it out the window. I looked down. Two stories, I'll be fine.

I jumped.

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