Benedict Arnold

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Benedict Arnold x female reader

You were having a really bad day. First you woke up late and we're yelled at because of it, second you fell over and a lot of people saw and finally the cherry on top of your horrible day was the fact that you had to take care of General Benedict Arnold. You didn't hate the man but for the short time that he's been in your care he's been kind of an asshole. Of course, you've been treated worse by many other soldiers, but at this point you were just frustrated with how the day was going. You were walking back to the tent he was being held in and mentally preparing yourself for his moody ass. You took a deep breath before stepping into the tent. You took a look at the general, he was fast asleep.

You pulled a chair up to his bedside, and took a seat. You had brought a bag with you, mostly full of what you would need to treat the general with while the doctor wasn't able to care for him, but you also brought a book along with you to read in case he was asleep. You pulled the book out of your bag and began to get lost in the story. It had been an hour since you had arrived in the tent and the general was still fast asleep. A hand gripped your leg, which made you jump in surprise. The general was awake, "I would think that my nurse would be more invested in my care than a book she is reading, but it appears I am wrong." "Sorry, but general you misunderstand, I was simply reading while I was waiting for you to wake up. I did not want to disturb you while you were sleeping." You spoke softly, not wanting to anger him. "Are you afraid of me Miss Y/N?" He spoke with a frustrated tone. "No sir, not at all, I'm sorry if I made it seem that way." You looked down at the ground not wanting to make eye contact with him.

He grabbed your hand, "Y/N look at me when I'm speaking to you." You looked up from the ground, "Sorry sir, I'll make sure to look you in the eye." "Can you stop apologizing? You don't need to apologise for everything thing you do." His response shocked you, "Alright sir, I'll try my best not to apologise as much." You looked around nervously, you didn't know what else to say. "Y/N, I need you to calm down, I'm not mad at you." He spoke with a gentle tone and moved to grab your hand. You took a few deep breaths, and then you made eye contact with him. His eyes seemed like they held concern, but you never can be sure when it comes to the general. You gripped his hand, and began to blush, you couldn't believe what you were about to say, "Sir, I have feelings for you."

You were met with silence and your mind began racing with nervous thoughts. You began to pull your hand away, but the general kept a tight grip on your hand and pulled you in close. You made brief eye contact with him before your lips met. The kiss was short, but it was passionate. The general pulled away, "I want you to call me Benedict when we are alone." "Of course, Benedict." The two of you sat in a comfortable silence for the rest of the time that you were with him in the tent. Eventually you did have to go, and retire to your tent for the night. That night you slept peacefully knowing that your feelings were returned. The next morning you woke up earlier than usual. You quickly got up and got dressed. With the time to spare you decided that you would do something nice for Benedict. The morning was spent with you making him a wonderful breakfast of only scrambled eggs. You brought the eggs to his tent, when you arrived he looked up at you and smiled. "What's this?" He asked while he began to sit up. "Oh well I decided to make you breakfast because I had some time to spare." You placed the plate of eggs on a table by his bed. The two of you exchanged a quick kiss. You pulled away, "Eat your breakfast Benedict." "Alright." He began eating his breakfast quietly. After he finished eating he asked you a question, "So, what made you decide to make eggs for my breakfast?" "Oh, you know, I just wanted to make eggs Benedict." You chuckled lightly at your own joke. Benedict sighed deeply, "You're an idiot, but I love you." You smiled lightly at him, "I love you too."

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