Chapter 12 ~ The Bitter Truth

Start from the beginning

               “You mean you can get out of this room?” Ron asked.

               “Elf magic works differently than your magic, Master Weasley.”

               I cleared my throat. “Dobby, can you get these chains off Draco?”

               Dobby snapped his fingers, and the chains disappeared.

               I cradled Draco’s head in my lap, but he was still unconscious.

               “We need you to get Luna and Mr. Ollivander out of here,” Harry said to Dobby.

               “Shell Cottage,” Ron suggested.

               “What about Draco?” I whispered.

               “I can take him next, Miss Granger,” Dobby said as he gripped Luna and Ollivander’s hands.

               After they disappeared, I heard someone coming down the stairs to the cellar. I reluctantly rose and moved away from Draco as Ron clicked his Deluminator again to get rid of the light. I couldn’t risk them seeing Draco was unchained.

               Wormtail opened the door, pointing his wand at us with a slightly shaking hand. He apparently didn’t notice the absence of Luna and Ollivander because all he said was “Mudblood, come with me!”

               I looked at myself in the mirror, using it to make sure I didn’t miscalculate my healing spell. The small cut on my neck healed easily, but I still shivered at the memory of Bellatrix’s knife –the same one that had taken poo Dobby’s life- pressed against my throat.

               Fleur came into the room with fresh clothes for me. She laid them on the bed, then turned to face me. “Draco should be fine, but he will be weak for quite some time.”

               “Do you have any idea what could have done that to him?” I asked quietly.

               She looked away. “Go to him. His wounds should be pretty self-explanatory.”

               I changed clothes after she left and then went to Draco’s room. My heart did a nervous flutter at the sight of his pale form, but he definitely looked better than he did when I first saw him in that cellar.

               Draco was shirtless, but a sheet covered most of his body. He was shivering, his fists clenched tight around the sheet. But I could also see the sheen of sweat that covered his back.

               I sat on the edge of his bed and carefully pushed his shaggy hair off of his face. He looked so much older than when I had last seen him, as if the months had aged him like years. It hurt to see him look so withered. Had my leaving caused it? Or was it just from what happened in that cellar?

               Draco stirred next to me, groaning slightly in his sleep. The sheet slid down slightly, exposing much of his pale skin, and my breath caught in my throat.

               Teeth marks marred his shoulder.

               I pressed my hand over my mouth as I stumbled toward the door. My mind reeled as I went down the stairs. I had to be sure before I truly reacted to my rash thoughts.

               Bill and Fleur were in the kitchen, talking in quiet voices. They looked up when I rushed in, and their faces softened in sympathy.

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