Chapter 2 ~ Nightmares

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Chapter 2

Hermione's POV

Was I dreaming? Yes, I had to be. I WAS FREAKING MAKING OUT WITH DRACO MALFOY!!! What is wrong with me?! I hated him. We hated each other. What in Merlin's name was going on?!

My mind was rambling with these thoughts. But that didn't keep me from continuing to kiss Draco. I knew I should be shoving him off of me and running away. But I couldn't. I was trapped in his arms. And even if he hadn't been holding me, I don't think I could have moved anyway.

After what seemed like forever, we finally broke apart. Both of us were breathless and our hearts were pounding irregularly. And we still stayed very close to each other.

Then Draco just plain walked away. But not before I saw the fear in his eyes.

I stood there in a daze for a little while, trying to figure out what to do. My heart was still pounding in my chest from the intense kissing. And I was still pretty confused. Why had Draco looked scared when he left?

Draco? Oh great, I was already changing my mind about him.

I finally managed to make myself move and walk back into the castle. It was late, but I didn't get caught by Filch. I made it back to the Gryffindor common room without interruption. Everyone had already gone to bed, so I slipped up the stairs and into my room as quietly as possible. Careful not to disturb my sleeping room mates, I got in bed and went to sleep in seconds.

My dreams were full of flashing images and confusion. One minute, I would be outside by the Forbidden Forest kissing Draco again. And the next, we would be ripped apart by Death Eaters. I watched them torure Draco. Heard his painfilled screams. And I cried for him. For them to kill me and leave him alone.

Lucius Malfoy was constantly looming over me. Along with You-Know-Who himself. They were separating me from Draco. But I could still his weak screams as he was tortured. Then I saw a flash of green light, and Daco's dead body landed at my feet.

I woke up with a jump and sat bolt upright. The bright sunlight blinded me momentarily. My room mates were all gone, so I must have over slept some-what. I got up and got dressed quickly. Then I went down to the Great Hall as calmly as possible.

"Where have you been?" Ron asked through a mouth full of food as I sat down next to him and Harry.

I rolled my eyes a little. He really needed to learn some manners. "I over slept, couldn't sleep very well last night."

"That's really unlike you," Harry said slowly. "Is there something wrong?"

"No, I just had a bad night, I guess," I said with a shrug.

We continued eating in silence. I kept glancing up at the door when people came in, watching for Draco secretly. Harry and Ron were too busy having a vivid converstion about stupid Quidditch to notice anyway.

Draco finally came in the Great Hall. And I was shocked by his appearance. There were dark circles under his eyes and he looked even paler than usual. I wondered if he had been haunted by the same nightmares as me last night.

He looked over towad me, and our eyes met momentarily. I could see the exhaustion and slight fear in his eyes. He lookd away after a minute, but didn't move away yet. Then, with his eyes still on me, he nodded toward the door a little and left.

I sat there and thought silently for a minute. He obviously wanted me to go outside with him. But I was just a little hesitant. Still, I knew we needed to talk about this. So I got up from the table and slipped out of the Great Hall unnticed. Then I found him standing out by the lake.

Draco stood at the edge of the lake, throwing small stones across its surface. He didn't even look at me when I moved to stand next to him at first. But when he ran out of stones to throw, he looked at me. And all we could do was stare at each other for a minute.

"I'm sorry about last night," he finally whispered. "I don't know what came over me. I mean, I still meant all of what I said. But I shouldn't have... kissed you like that. It was uncalled for."

"It's all right," I managed to mutter. "It was shocking.... And I hadn't really realized how I felt about you until then either...."

Draco nodded slowly, looking out at the lake again silently. I did the same, thinking this through. I couldn't ignore the feelings I had for him now. The longing to be with him. The pain from being away from him.

"I had nightmares last night," I admitted in a whisper.

He closed his eyes and sighed. "Me too. That has to be a sign. This is going to be dangerous. Very dangerous. If my father ever found out-" He broke off and shuddered.

"No one has to find out," I said gently, not liking to see the fear in him. "I don't really want anyone to know anyway. But it might be kind of hard.... I don't want to stay away from you, but I don't know how we can hide this without staying apart."

Determination flashed in Draco's eyes. " We'll find a way," he said firmly.

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