Chapter 5 ~ The Dark Mark

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A.N.~Okay I'm skipping ahead to 6th year because Draco wasn't in Order of the Phoenix really. And I'll spend more time on the sixth year since much more happens then :)

Draco's POV

               My father guided me through the house slowly, his hand resting on my shoulder firmly. I thought he was also restraining me a bit as well. No matter how hard I tried to hide it, he could tell that I was scared. But he didn't say a word to me as he led me to where the Dark Lord was waiting.

               I did my best to keep my heart in control as we entered the dining room. The Dark Lord was sitting at the end of the table with his head bowed slightly. It looked like his lips were moving, but I didn't hear him say anything. Father urged me forward until I stood only a couple feet from him. My heart was thudding hard against my chest, but I kept my face composed.

               "So, you are prepared to serve me, Draco?" Voldemort asked quietly, not looking toward me at all.

               "Yes," I said firmly, glad my voice sounded stronger than I felt.

               He looked at me, staring into my eyes. I couldn't suppress the shiver that passed through me from the chilly intensity of his gaze. But I didn't look away. I kept my eyes on his silently as I waited for what he would do next.

               "And you are sure you can carry out the assignment I have given you?" he asked, his black eyes still locked on mine.

               "Yes," I repeated, my voice still strong, but quieter.

               Voldemort held out his hand, and I slowly held out my arm to him. He held my wrist and pressed the tip of his wand to my forearm. He started hissing a spell, and fire spread up through my arm slowly. I closed my eyes and bit the inside of my lip to keep from crying out as my whole arm seemed to burn. And I think I actually blacked out for a minute.

               When I opened my eyes again, the Dark Lord had already let go of me and turned away again. I moved away silently and followed my parents out of the room, staring down at the Dark Mark branded on my arm.


               I got on the train the next day and went to the very last compartment where Hermione and I usually met. I sat down and leaned my head against the window, closing my eyes with a sigh. My whole body was still achy from the side effects of getting my Dark Mark. And I was really exhausted since I hadn't been able to sleep last night at all. So I pretty much passed out as soon as I closed my eyes.

               The sound of the compartment door snapping shut woke me up a few minutes later. I looked up to see Hermione's smile fading slowly. She sat down and just pulled me into her arms. I wrapped my arms around her gently and just sighed softly.

               "What's wrong?" she whispered. "You look sick."

               "I'm not feeling too well," I muttered after a pause. "And I couldn't sleep last night."

               I couldn't bring myself to tell her that I was truly a Death Eater now. I was afraid of what she would think of me. Would she hate me once she found out what I had to do? Would she leave me when she realized I would become a murderer?

               She kissed my cheek gently. "Go back to sleep. I don't mind."

               I nodded silently, kissing her forehead lightly. She moved over and let me lay my head on her lap. I closed my eyes and sighed. She stroked my hair gently, which helped me relax a little. I eventually fell back asleep and didn't dream at all.

A Snake's Secrets ~Draco&Hermione FF~Where stories live. Discover now