Chapter 8 ~ Fight or Flight

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Draco's POV

               The fighting started in a flash. Curses bounced off the walls all around me as I ran down the corridors. The battle between the Order and the Death Eaters was brutal in only a few minutes. I was desperate to get to Hermione, but Bellatrix caught me again.

               "Dumbledore is in the tower! You must kill him now! I will be right behind you," she hissed in my ear.

               I nodded silently and just took off again quickly. My heart was pounding against my chest -from running through the fights going on around me and from the thought of what I was about to do. I didn't know if I could really kill Dumbledore. And whatever happened, I needed to get to Hermione before she got hurt.

               It was quieter when I started up the stairs of the tower. I could hear Dumbledore talking, so I quickened my pace. He turned to face me when I reached the top of the stairs, and I disarmed him quickly. My hand was shaking as I kept my wand pointed at him, and I struggled to keep my face composed.

               "The Death Eaters are already inside the castle, aren't they?" he asked calmly. "How did you get them inside undetected?"

               "The Vanishing Cabinet in the room of requirement," I said, trying to keep my voice from shaking.

               "Ah, yes, it has a twin," he said, nodding slightly. Then his eyes met mine. "Let me help you, Draco. You can still make the right choice."

               "I don't need your help!" I snapped at him. "I was chosen for this! I have to kill you! Or he's going to kill me!" I couldn't keep the tremble from my voice at the end.

               Then Aunt Bellatrix appeared at the top of the stairs with a couple other Death Eaters. I steadied my arm that was pointed at Dumbledore quickly and tried to wipe the fear from my face. She smiled briefly and moved over behind me.

               "Well done, Draco," she said softly. "You have him right where you want him. Do it."

               My hand started to tremble. Dumbledore stood there calmly, not even trying to defend himself. I tried to force the curse through my lips, but I was shaking too much. I didn't want to be a murderer.

               "Do it, Draco! NOW!" Bellatrix yelled, making me flinch.


               I looked over my shoulder quickly and saw Snape walking toward me. I backed off as he approached Dumbledore. Their eyes locked, but I didn't stay to see what happened next. I slipped behind the others and hurried down the steps silently. I had to find Hermione.

               The fight was still going on as I ran through the corridors. I kept going as fast as I could, firing off spells and curses and shields when necessary. I was kind of relieved that there weren't any dead bodies lying around. At least no one was dead yet.

               Then someone crashed into me out of nowhere, sending both of us to the ground. We wrestled for a minute, trying to untangle our limbs. I finally shoved him off and jumped to my feet, aiming my wand at his face.

               "Well, looks like I got lucky," Weasley said as he got up, pointing his wand right back at me. "I was hoping I would run into you."

               I rolled my eyes. "I don't have time for you," I growled.

               He fired a curse at me as I turned away, but I blocked it quickly. "You better make time!" he snapped. "I know all about how you broke Hermione's heart! You're going to pay!"

A Snake's Secrets ~Draco&Hermione FF~Where stories live. Discover now