"So tell me about you." Toni says sipping her lemonade. Cheryl furrows her eyebrows with a confused look.

"Like what?" Cheryl ask pushing her glasses up the bridge of her nose.

"I dong know everything." Toni says leaning back in her seat.

"Well what do you want to know?"

"Okay um? What are you in college for?" Toni ask and cheryl grins.

"Interior design. So like fashion business. " Cheryl says and Toni raises an eyebrow.

"I want to own my own fashion line" Cheryl says with a cheesy smile.

"I think you'd be great at it. " Toni says honestly.

"You think? I've been creating dress designs since I was like fifteen. My boyfriend isn't to found of the idea but he supports it like I support his dumb game creating thingy." Cheryl rambles and Toni snorts.

"Your amazing guarantee it." Toni simply says.

"So dickhe- I mean your boyfriend how'd you two meet? " Toni ask with a smile.

"Highschool he was my only friend people thought I was a nerd." Toni furrows her eyebrows.

"I would've beat their asses." Toni shrugs.

"What? If they called you a nerd?" Cheryl ask raising and eyebrow.

"No if they called you a nerd." Toni says sipping on her drink. Cheryl's face turns bright red.

"You called me a nerd this morning though" Cheryl says amused.

"Yeah well I can call you that if I want to. They can't." Toni shrugs and Cheryl bites her lip subconsciously.

"It was years ago no ones said that to me besides Jason. " Cheryl shrugs and Toni shrugs.

"What about you parents?" Toni ask and Cheryl's face  suddenly darkens. She wasn't to found of her parents. Her dad particularly.

"My moms not horrific. Very Bitchy but not too bad she has her reasons. My dad was abusive to me and my brother my mom in particularly. My brother came out and my dad flipped he tried to beat the living flip out of him but my mom took the beating. She wouldn't admit it. But she loves me and my brother. My dad died 4 years ago now so my moms been less mean." Cheryl explains and Toni listens thoroughly.

"I'm sorry about you bitch dad. I mean lovely father." Toni corrects and Cheryl snorts.

"Its fine TT." Cheryl says the nickname slipping out.

"TT?" Toni repeats being found of the nickname. Even though she hated nick names.

"Its um.. A nick name I gave you. Toni topaz..TT get it?" Cheryl shrugs nervously.

"I'll allow it." Toni grins.

"So what about you?" Cheryl ask referring to the college.

"What're you in college for?"

"Photography. I want to travel the world and take pictures of everywhere. " Toni says twirling her straw.

"I could see that." Cheryl says squinting her eyes.

"You think?" Toni mimics Cheryl's words.

"How about your parents?" Cheryl ask finally taking a sip of her own drink.

"My parents are snobby rich people. The want to be in control of everything I do. They're open to me being lesbian but they expect me to be married and settled down by the age of 21. Or at least seeing someone serious. My older brother is Mr perfect.  And my older  sister is the favorite. Leaving me the baby to be well babied." Toni explains and Cheryl nods.

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