"Pardon?" Charlotte inquired Benjamin.

Benjamin recovered quickly. "Oh, I was just wondering what you were... writing," Benjamin replied, looking down at Charlotte's book.

Charlotte's eyes lit up. "Oh, you see..."


Anthony was whistling while chopping up the trees. His master, his former master, Daniel never cared for modern technology. That's partially the reason why they were in the woods. He didn't want any of the techy stuff to reach his ears. Which also meant that there was no signal, and it also meant that the only way to get warm was cutting down wood for the fireplace.

He finished with his first set which consisted of 50 thick firewood pieces and went back outside, thinking maybe cutting another set might be proved useful. As he continued to hum, he wondered if the murderer was going to kill anyone else. When they had met earlier, before the conflict with Daniel, the murderer had said Daniel was the only person who was going to be killed. But what if... Dropping the logs, he rushes to the door.


When the two of them walked into the kitchen, even before Jasper could open his mouth, Athena coldly said, "I know the type of person you are. You just flirt, kiss, and move on. I don't want anything to do with you. If you just came here to chat, then I advise you to leave. If you really want to help, though then start looking. I am going to look in the pantry."

Not caring that he was just rejected, Jasper grinned back and said, "Well, it looks like the pantry's waiting for you!" Then he walked away with a bounce on his step. Flabbergasted, Athena went into the pantry to search for food.


When they finally reached the basement, Axel immediately left Shelly and went to look for candles. Still angry at Axel, Shelly went in the opposite direction. While she was digging in the basement, she came across a snake and looked at the cage, it was a King Cobra. Fascinated, She looked for some food to feed the cobra. After finding some dried up meat, Shelly dangled it on top of the cage. The snake looked up and waited for the food to be lowered. Shelly, taunting the snake, held the food a little lower. That was when the snake struck. It shot up, aiming for Shelly's arm, not the meat. Shelly, surprised, dropped the meat on the snake's head and shrieked. She stumbled back and fell onto the buckets of water with a clash.

Out from a distance, she heard a person, Axel, call out, "Everything alright?"

Shelly got up, made herself as presentable as possible, and glanced around to find some candles. She picked them up, and shouted back, "Yeah, I'm fine, just slipped over some water. I found some candles, though!"


At first, it was awkward. Neither Iris nor Liam knew what to say. They split up to do the first four. Two rooms for Liam and two rooms for Iris. Afterwards, they fell into a contented silence, going from room to room debating which room should belong to which person. When they finally reached the last room, they had finally got comfortable enough to have a casual talk with one another.

"So... How long have you been married?" Liam asked Iris.

"Hmm... I think about a year and a half? Yeah, I'm pretty sure that's it." Iris responded.

"Okay, that's nice... How much do you like your husband?" Liam inquired.

"I guess I like him enough," Iris replied, looking down and twisting the edge of her dress with her hands.

"You guess?" Suddenly, Liam's voice turned husky. He lifts Iris's face.

"Y-yeah?" Iris's voice drooped to a whisper.

They moved closer and closer until Liam whispers back, "Then I hope it's fine if I do this. Leaning in, he presses a kiss on Iris's lips.

Just as quickly, he jerks back. "I-I'm sorry," Liam purses his lips, "I-I shouldn't have done that. I mean, you're a married woman. I forced myself on you. And I-"

He was silenced with a kiss. Eyes widening, Liam pulls away.

"But-" Iris puts a finger to his lips.

"You couldn't have forced yourself on if it was mutually agreed upon. Now, shut up and kiss me." Iris demanded. With that, he was bold once more.

"Your wish is my command."


A/N: Hey Lovelys! Sorry again for the short chapter before, and sorry for the late update now. I hope I made it up to you with a long chapter. It's 1,353 words!!!! Longest yet! [Even though I have only written 3 chapters] Again, I love you guys for reading my story.

Don't forget to like, comment, and follow!



"After they had disposed of the body" wonder how they did that, hmm? Toss it in one of the roaring fireplaces that are probably present in this 72-room mansion. Or maybe cut it up for the evenings stew. 

*Everyone eating stew at the ginormous living room*

"Hmm, this meat is rather chewy isn't it Axel?"

"Oh Iris darling, I'm sure it's because it's of the cold"

*Everyone continues to eat in contented silence*

(Though I'm pretty sure Axel ain't going to call Iris darling anymore after this chapter)


Dark LiesDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora