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Layla smiled as she was woken up to Polly who climbed into bed next to her. Polly curled into Layla side as Lilly's held her close and smiled "do you want to see your daddy again?" Layla asked as Polly looked to her and smiled "yes, he funny" she said as Layla looked to her and smiled. She knew that Polly and Tom were getting a bond and Layla was still scared. She was scared that Tom was going to let Polly down and Layla didn't want Tom to tell Polly down like he had in the past by walking out on them. Layla looked to Polly and smiled as she stood from the bed "come on trouble, let's go and get some breakfast before nursery" Layla said as Polly looked to her and smiled "okay mummy" she said as Layla looked to her and smiled. Layla looked to Polly and smiled as she started to make some breakfast.

Layla made some breakfast as she handed her a plate of breakfast and smiled. Rachel walked in and looked to them and smiled. She could see Layla looking at Polly and smiled as she walked over to her daughter and smiled "you need to trust him, he made a mistake and he wants to try again and you have to let him as it's not about him, it's not about you. It's about Polly and he wants to be involved, let him" Rachel said as Layla looked to her and sighed. Layla knew that Rachel was right and she hated it. Layla looked to Polly and ran her hands through her hair. She wanted to be able to trust Tom again and knew that she needed to, for Polly sake. Layla knew she hated part of Tom for what he did because she was still in love with him.


Later that day, Layla got to work and smirked as she saw tom as he was found with weed on him. She looked to him and smirked. She walked out of the assembly and sighed as she followed him to his classroom "so I didn't have to down as a pot head" she teased as he looked to her and rolled his eyes "your so not funny" he said as she smirked to him. He grabbed her waist and pulled her close and kissed her. She wrapped her arms around his neck as he pulled her into the classroom and pushed her against the wall as she ran her hands around his neck and smirked into the kiss, knowing she was falling more in love with him.

Later that day, Layla walked down the hall and frowned to herself as she saw Davina who stood flirting with tom. She couldn't help but feel jealous as she looked to them. She ran a hand through her hair and bite her lip in frustration. She watched as Davina went to kiss him as Tom pulled away and frowned before he walked off. Layla followed him to his classroom and smiled. "I saw what happened" she said as he looked to her and sighed "it's it what you think" he said as she looked to him and smiled "I know, I wanted to tell you I want to try again, us, it scared me but not as much as the thought of you with someone else" she said as he smiled "it's you, it's always been you" he said as he leant in and kissed her.

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