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It had been two years since Layla and tom broke up. Layla had left Rochdale once he left her, she left with her baby. Layla knew that even if tom didn't want to be a father that she had to. She had no choice but to be both mother and father to their child. Layla had a little girl who was born premature due to the stress that she was under with tom leaving. Layla had Rachel by her side and as much as Layla and Rachel had their ups and down, Layla was thankful that she had her mum. Layla was finally returning to school for the first time since she had Polly. Rachel had offered her a job and Layla was anxious to take it. She loved working at Waterloo road before she and tom broke up and now she felt scared and anxious over it, over seeing him.

Layla arrived at Waterloo road with Polly "mummy why we at nanny's school? Polly asked as Layla held her on her hip and smiled "because mummy is going to work here while you go to the crèche" Layla said as Polly nodded. Layla walked into the office as Rachel looked to her daughter and smiled. Rachel walked over to her and hugged her "are you okay?" Rachel asked as Layla sighed "I'm scared, I don't knew about it, with tom" Layla said as Rachel looked to her and smiled "you are a good teacher Layla and you can't give it up for tom, you need to work for Polly" Rachel said as she looked to her granddaughter who sat drawing as Layla sighed and nodded. Layla walked out of the office and paled as she came face to face with tom. Tom was shocked to see her and was hit with guilt as he saw his daughter "Layla I.." "stay away from me Tom" Layla said as she and Rachel walked to the crèche with Polly "don't let him get in your way okay" Rachel said as Layla nodded.


Later that day, Layla sat in her classroom as Tom walked in. She looked to him and glared "go away" she said as he looked to her and sighed "please Layla in sorry" he said as she looked to him and sighed "sorry? For what exactly tom" Layla asked. She was pissed at him "for everything" he said as she looked to him and rolled her eyes "leave me alone" she said as she went to walked off as he grabbed her arm and looked to her and sighed.

"I wasn't ready to be a father, I was a coward and I know that, I know that I let you down and her, but I'm sorry" he said as she turned to face him and crossed her arms over her chest and looked To him "Polly, her name is Polly if your even interested in her. I nearly died when I gave birth to her and she only weighed two pounds and she nearly died and I thought of picking up the phone and ringing you but you didn't care, you couldn't even tell me you were to coward to even talk to me over, just go away tom and leave me the hell alone" Layla said as tom looked to her and sighed as he walked off.


Later that day, Layla sighed as she sat in Rachel's. She was staying with Rachel since she moved back home. She heard a knock at the door and went to answer it and saw it was tom and went to close the door as he stopped her "listen, two seconds" he said as she nodded "I know I was a coward and I know I should of stepped off but I'm sorry but I want to be a father, I deserve a chance" he said as Layla looked to him and sighed as Polly walked to the doorway "mummy?" She called as both Layla and tom looked to her. Layla picked her up and smiled "who that?" She asked as she looked to tom who smiled to her "no one, go to hell tom" Layla said as she slammed the door and walked into the house. But could Layla eventually forgive tom?

Runaway Daddy (Waterloo road)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant