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Layla sighed to herself as she woke up. She felt awful. She looked to her boyfriend tom who lay asleep next to her. She looked to him and smiled as she stood from the bed and walked into the bathroom. Layla pulled her blonde hair into a bun and sighed. Layla glanced to the bedroom and looked to tom who lay fast asleep. She knew that she had been falling off for days and walked over to the cabinet and grabbed a pregnancy test from it. She held the test in her hands and sighed. Layla knew that she and tom were never careful but she didn’t think that he would get her pregnant not when she was just eighteen. Layla was a trainee teacher at waterloo road, and that’s where she had met tom and had fallen in love with him. Layla felt as if he was the one and didn’t want the fact that she could be pregnant change it all. Layla closed the door and stood with her back agaisnt the door. She ran a hand through her hair as she looked down at the test.

Layla took the test and rested it on the bench top. She could hear tom was awake as he moved about in the bedroom. She looked down at the test and smiled as she saw it was positive. She was happy but scared, she knew it was what she wanted with tom, a family and a future but she didn’t know if it was what tom wanted as they lived in the moment and never talked of a future. Layla grabbed the test and held it in her hands as she walked into the bedroom. Tom had his back to her as he started to get ready for work “i was thinking we could go out for dinner tonight" tom said “sure” Layla said quietly as he turned to face her. He looked to the test in her hands and frowned “is it?” he asked as she nodded “I'm pregnant” she said as tom looked to her with a blank expression “say something?” Layla said as he sighed and looked to her “i don’t know what to say” he said as she nodded. She could tell that he was happy or excited over having a baby.


Layla sighed to herself as she sat in her mum's house. She was four months pregnant and things had been hard with tom. Layla couldn’t help but fear that something was going to happen, she felt as if he didn’t want the baby as he hardly talked to her about the baby. Layla and tom seemed to be fighting a lot but she wanted to make it work. Rachel walked into the room and handed Layla a cup of tea, she took a sip of it and sighed “how's things with tom?” she asked as Layla looked to her and shock her head “not good, not good at all. I don’t think he wants this baby, it seems as if he doesn’t care. I didn’t make this baby on my own, so why do I feel about like it?” Layla asked as Rachel smiled to her “men handle thing's different, once you have the baby he will realise how amazing it is. You’re a mother from when you fall pregnant, he is scared and doesn’t feel like a father yet, give him time” Rachel said as Layla nodded. Layla hoped that Rachel was right, as part of her felt as if tom wasn’t as happy about this baby at all.


Layla frowned to herself as she walked into the house. She realised how quiet that it was as she found a note on the side. She felt her heart as she read the note;
‘I'm not ready to be a father. I'm sorry- Tom x’
Layla felt the tears roll down her face as she realised one thing. He had left her. He had walked out on her and their unborn baby. Layla knew that she had no choice but to raise her baby alone even though she felt as if he heart had been split in two.

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