Chapter 23

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I woke to my phone buzzing on the floor. I gently crawled off of Kade so I didn't wake him. I picked up my clothes and phone and headed out to the back deck off the kitchen. As soon as I closed the patio doors I answered the phone putting it on speaker phone, as I got dressed.


"Everleigh? This is Sheriff Whimbley. How are you?"

"Hi sheriff! I'm doing a lot better than the last time you saw me. Things are pretty amazing honestly. How is your ulcer?" I asked as I finished getting dressed.

"Better now that I hear your lovely voice"

"Oh, Sheriff! You know how to make a girl blush."

"I wish I could see it." He laughed. "The reason I'm calling you is to let you know that Blaze's lawyer convinced the judge to transfer him out of my jail. Something about police brutality or something. But the good news is that it puts him another hour away from you. I'm fishing buddies with the sheriff of that town so he will keep me informed of everything."

"That's good news, Sheriff." I said getting nervous of the thought of Blaze. He gave me a bad feeling.

"I won't let this go, Everleigh. I will do everything in my power to make sure he spends the rest of his life behind bars."

"I know you will. I don't have any doubts about that." I said looking across the big field behind my house. "Sheriff? I can never thank you enough for giving me my life back."

"Live nothing but a happy life. That's all I want from you."

"I promise. I'll talk to you soon."

"Take care, darlin'." He said before the line went dead.

I turned around placing my back on the railing when I heard the patio doors open. I saw Kade standing there only in his jeans. It was the sexiest site I had ever seen. I couldn't believe he was mine.

"Everything alright?" Kade asked with sleep in his voice.

"It's great! That was Sheriff Whimbley on the phone.  He said Blaze was transferred to a jail even further from here."  I said walking toward him, wrapping my arms around his waist.

    "That's good news, baby."  He said kissing my head as he hugged my shoulders.  "How about we go get something to eat."

    "Sounds good to me.  I'm staving! Once I move in, I'll cook diner for you."

    "You're gonna cook for me?  Score! When are you moving in?"  He joked.

    "Well, I have to go sign the papers Monday.  I'm guessing anytime after that?"  I shrugged.


    We made our way to the little mom and pop diner in town.  After the day we had, we were starving.  As Kade put the truck in park, a car pulled up beside us.


    "What's wrong?"  I asked.

    "My parents just pulled up beside us.  Would you like to meet them now or go some where else to eat?"

    "Now is as good a time as any." I said.

    "Be prepared to answer a lot of questions."  He shrugged.


    I opened the door to Everleigh's truck and climbed out.  I immediately grabbed her by the waist and lifted her out of the truck gently placing her on the ground.

    "Kade?"  My mom questioned. 

    "Hey, mom."  I said facing her.  "I want to introduce you to my girlfriend.  This is Everleigh.  Everleigh, this is Martha, my mom. That ugly guy over there is my dad Frank."  I joked.

    "Nice to meet you both."  Everleigh said blushing.  She was so fucking beautiful when she blushed.  I couldn't help but to smile myself.

    "Is this THE Everleigh?" Mom asked grinning ear to ear.

    "That would be the one."  I said trying to give my mom a warning look.  She was totally going to embarrass me.  I guess that was something I had to get used to.

    "You are gorgeous!"  Mom told her as she led her into the diner.  I couldn't hear what they were talking about because I hung back to walk with my dad.

    "Already sacrificing your girlfriend to save yourself."  Dad said shaking his head as he put his hand on my shoulder.

    "She's the one, dad. I hope mom don't scare her off."

    "Well, in that case we better go save your future wife."  Dad chuckled.  "If she forgives you for feeding her to the wolves."

    "She's tough as nails.  I think she'll be alright."

    "Well, you're not that tough.  Maybe you're the one needing saving." He said holding open the door for me.

    We joined mom and Everleigh at a table. They were chatting away.  They both looked like they were enjoying themselves.  I really hope mom wasn't to much for Everleigh.

    "So, what are you planning on doing after college?"  My dad asked Everleigh.

    "I've already completed college, sir."

    "Call me Frank. That's amazing.  What did you study?"

    "Photography.  You can sell photos to just about anyone, for any purpose.  I sell to advertising companies.  I've sold some to people that appreciate art. It's a very versatile industry.  The best part is I can work from anywhere.  I love what I do so much that it doesn't feel like work at all."

    "That's amazing. You are very smart."  Dad told her.

    "Thank you."  She smiled sweetly at my dad's compliment.

     "I have one question I have to ask you.  What in the world is a girl like you doing with this turd?" Dad said pointing at me.

    "I'm not for sure, Frank. I think maybe I should have my head examined."  Everleigh said causing my parents to burst out laughing.

    "Marry her now, son! She definitely passed all my tests!"  Dad laughed holding his stomach.

    She stared at me lovingly as she grabbed my hand under the table.  I love how she got my parents.  I placed a kiss on her hand that was entwined with mine.  Just when I think I couldn't love this girl any more, she proves me wrong by making me fall for her harder everyday. I would marry her right now if I could.

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