Sacrifice it to satan

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-for the love of Lucifer don't drop your rifle
-don't worry I broke a ceiling tile in the band room
-what are you doing? She said my butt looked cute
-my music won't play.... screw you satan
-*tossing triples and toss threes* USA LUNCHABLE jESuS

-what's your favorite sound? ..... internal screaming
-I'm bleeding but it's not enough to sacrifice to satan
-I'm bleeding but it isn't on my middle finger so I can't flip people off with my blood
-r stands for RAWR
-my glasses are fogging up from the hotness of Vincent
-shrek did 9/11
-I just almost got hit by a door... if that's not saying something about my life
-is it true that when you mess up, I throw oranges at you? Yes it is
-this is my pole now

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