Chapter 1

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chapter 1:- the blonde boy

hey, my name is charlotte renolds, im 14 years old and live in England, cleethorpes to be exact. im going to tell you a little story; of how i met the love of my life. it may seen cliche, but this is how a crime, became something real.

it was a dark and stormy night,wait... no it wasnt this isnt a horror story. it wa a really sunny and warm day here in cleethorpes and i was hanging out with my best friend penny ledroll. we have been bestfriends ever since play school and havent seperated since. we decided to go into town for the day (incase you didnt know town is pretty much a mall) since we were going to have a school disco and i needed a new dress.

its now 11am and we just arrived in town. we started in a show names Primark, but we couldnt find anything interesting so we carried on looking in other shops. we went inside princess, BHS, bank, angelia, b-queen and next. we had been in town for about two hours and i was starting t get hungry.

"penny im hungry. weve been walking around for about two hours now  and been in a hundred different storer; can we please take a break and find a food place round here?" i groaned

"fine come on lets go to cooplands,"penny replied.

"wait thats the dress i  want!" i screamed walking past new look.

it was a purple dress which stayed just above the knees. it was loose but would show my curves perfectly. we ran into the store desperatly since i finally found the dress i wanter when a boy, about the same age as me, with blonde hair and hazel eyes runs straight into me.

"hey watch where your going!" he yelled at me frustratingly.

"me? i just came over here to grab this dress when you ran into me! if anyone needs to look where they are going its you! i screached back.

we started to argue over the dress when unexpectedly, he grabs it and ran out of the store without paying. i chased after him but stopped when he got in his car and pulled out of the car park.

"im calling the cops(police)!" i shouted loud enough for him to hear.

he drove back over to me and said...

"listen, this is not the last time you'll see of me. i know everything about you, your name, age, who you live with and so on; so watch your back!"

he drove away without saying another word. penny walked back over to me pretending like nothing ever happened. we went to cooplands after and bought a sausage roll each and decided to head home since the dress i wanted was stolen and penny had no interests here.i went to pennys that night but we lost track of time and i didnt get home till 10pm. my curfew was 9:30pm so, for being late, my sister jessie renolds (aged 22) was watching me like a hawk.

i sat in my room for the rest of the night feeling like i was being watched. it wasnt my sister as she was asleep on my bedroom floor, but i felt like there was someone else in the room. suddenly, a dark, shadowy figure moved past my window; thats when i knew i wasnt alone. i moved my hand when it hit something. i turned o see my teddy bear but i could have sworn it was a human hand. the next thing i know, i feel someone or thing breathing on the back of my neck. 'dont move your just halusinating' i thought to myself. i keep telling myself it wasn real, it was only my imagination playing tricks on me when someone whispered

"come with me..."

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