heroes (Steve x Reader)

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A/N *Okay...so this is a story based on the song Heroes by David Bowie (who's amazing). My friend wanted me to write a story based on the song so here ya go ;) I wasn't how this one would go and kind of wanted to have a small romance theme running through...there's not much. Also, this has around 2000 words I think? So yeah...I planned around 1000 words but obviously, I got carried away...

I hope you enjoy it! Please give me some feedback and advise on how to improve it and vote if you enjoyed? 

The words in bold are the lyrics (which are also up there if y'all want to know 'em...I took the liberty to remove some chorus bits just to speed up the story)*

I, I will be king

 Steve looked over at his partner, a ready smile on his lips as he watched Y/N preparing herself for the hatch to open, taking deep breaths as she straps her parachute tightly around her chest.

And you, you will be queen

Y/N lifted her head and their eyes met. She gave him a nervous smile, fiddling with her straps and stamping her feet, "What?" She asked, seeing him staring at her for too long.

He snapped out of his gaze and shook his head, "Nothing," He laughed breathily, "I got lost in my thoughts..."

 Though nothing will drive them away

"You ready, Cap?" Tony asked from the cockpit, through the comms, pressing the buttons along the panels of the walls, opening up the hatch and bringing in rough winds into the quinjet. 

Steve flashed Tony two thumbs up as the billionaire looked over his shoulder to check on them, "Yeah, we're all set, I think."

Y/N nodded as well, "Let's get this over and done with then," She clutched onto Steve's arm and took a leap of faith.

We can beat them, just for one day

Steve let go of Y/N's hand as they approached the point in the sky where she needed to use her parachute. Her head snapped over to his, panic glinting in those beautiful eyes. She frantically pulled at the strap and the parachute flew open, wrenching her up a few feet in the sky, making her release a grunt from the force of air resistance. 

Steve continued down through the sky, positioning his shield and curling up into a fitted ball behind it, ready for the violent thud of landing onto hard ground. The moment he landed, bullets fired, raining down on him like heavy droplets of rain. He used his shield to protect himself from any dangerous injuries. 

Once Y/N's feet met the ground, she detached the parachute from her pack and took cover in a bush, preparing her bombs and grenades, opening one up and tossing it out, not looking where she threw it. A mighty thundering roar from the grenade shook the earth gently and screams pierced as the sound of a metal disc cutting through the air came in, taking out a dozen soldiers at a time. 

We can be Heroes, just for one day

Steve crouched down by her bush, deflecting bullets and whispered, "You okay?"

She stretched out an arm and patted him on the shoulder, "Yeah, now get back to taking down the soldiers, I need more time with the munitions Stark lent me."

He nodded and got back up, powering through the throng of armed HYDRA agents, getting close enough to them to see the whites of their eyes and the terror on their faces just before they got slaughtered. After a few minutes, they saw another agent of SHIELD carrying a large pack and throwing it with all her might at the iron wrought gates up ahead, blowing the metal into twisted and gnarled ruins.

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