reminiscing (Tony x Reader)

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A/N *also a favourite song of mine. Their voices sound amazing together. And the lyrics at the end really hit me hard... anyway, enjoy the story!!!*

I miss my old life sometimes. When I could walk to the store without worrying about being targeted by some 'evil' organisation. When I wasn't running from the government. 

When the weirdest thing that happened was being hit on by someone, not fighting aliens...or robots...or robotic aliens...

Don't think I'm being ungrateful, I love my colleagues, we've become either close or drifted strongly apart. There was a time where we were close...or at least close enough to bond with one another. To let others know about our weaknesses, our fears, our morals. 

But then, our 'friendship' got shredded up when a stack of papers calling themselves 'The Sokovia Accords' showed up on our doorstep by a postman called Ross.

I didn't know what to choose. I hated being controlled but I knew that we couldn't just have free reign over any place. The Accords were problematic, to say the least. I'm surprised Tony got away with that mass destruction in Germany. 

"Enticing a child to fight crime for you really isn't a good picture for the media," I commented as I stood beside Steve Rogers, my daggers fully sheathed for the moment.

Tony looked at me, a smarmy remark passing his lips to hide the pain flickering in his eyes. He didn't want to hurt us but he had to. Because of the stupid Accords. It's the same with Natasha, and I couldn't tell with the kid but I was pretty sure he didn't want to hurt anyone.

"You'd know all about that, wouldn't you? You gonna write an article about me in jail?"

God, this team is such a mess, I thought to myself as we begin to run at one another, and I pulled out my knives, regretting what was about to come next.

I stand outside, on the balcony, as rain hits every pore of my body, soaking me through. The rain masks my tears. This is the first time since the airport, that I have let loose my emotions. I haven't cried since Tony and I fought. Since I left him alone in that big home of his and joined Steve on his vigilante missions.

I don't have time to regret everything I chose to do. I knew what I was doing and if I hadn't gone with Steve and Bucky then, I'd be making my way out of the window to find them and join them. The Accords are wrong. Chaining a person to a piece of paper is wrong. 

A hand lands on my shoulder and I turn around, hoping my eyes aren't red from crying. The hand belongs to Natasha. She looks sympathetically at me and gives me a hug. The Accords has cost us all something. Our freedom, our friends, our mindsets. It's weighed down on us since the get-go.

"Come on, Y/N, it's time to get back inside," She says softly in my ear, gently tugging me back into our dingy apartment.

She sets me down at the kitchen table, sitting down in front of me and sighing. She pulls out a Nokia, placing it down on the table, "Steve contacted me."

I blink, staring down at the device, my face is flat and my eyes are dull. The Accords. The Accords ruined everything.

I miss Tony.

I hate living here.

I want to go back to sharing jokes and seeing his smile.  

I miss his snark.

"Y/N." Natasha grabs my hand and squeezes it, comfortingly, "We're going back. We're going to New York. Home."

I look up and my eyes meet her green eyes, hope flickering dimly in mine, "Home?" My voice sounds scratchy. Probably because I haven't spoken out loud in days and days.

She nods, giving me a small smile, "That's right, we're going back home with Steve."

Home. Home.




We're going home.

I'll be seeing Tony again.

"Tony?" I ask, my eyes widening and a smile actually forming on my lips.

She chuckles softly, "Yeah, Y/N. We're going to see Tony again. How 'bout that?"

Tears start running tracks down my cheeks, mixing in with the water dripping from my hair and face, and the liquid is making puddles on the floor and table, "We're going home." My voice cracks as waves of emotions wash over me and drown out the walls around my mind and heart, breaking them down and letting out all my feelings that have been cooped up for two years.

Natasha joins in with a small tear slipping from her eyes. 

"How do I look?" Tony asked, spinning around to catch a kiss, placing his hands on either side of my hips and pulling me in.

"Ravishingly arrogant as usual." I grinned against his lips, my hands loosening on his chest.

He tickled me, pulling a squeal from me and then hoisted me up, carrying me to the bed and dropping me on it. I lie back and he crawls up, kissing me over and over again, and my hands run through his hair and around his metal heart.

He goes to my neck and I push him off gently, "We can't do this."

He protests, leaning in again and I place a hand on his chest, holding him back, "You've got that speech to those university students, remember?"

He groans and rolls off me, lying beside me, "Damn it."

I laugh, "It'll only be at least an hour, then you'll have me all to yourself afterwards." I turn my head and look deep into his eyes, "I'll be in the audience, taking notes for the press and all that."

He hums, "I expect the article to be full of praise."

My fingers graze his skin on his face, "There's nothing bad to write about you."

He pulls me in for another kiss, "Let's hope not."

I tap his glowing heart, making a light clinking sound, "Relax, you'll be fine. Nothing bad's ever going to happen"

We share a smile, like sharing a secret. 

Nothing bad will ever happen because we love each other.

Nothing bad will ever happen because  we will stick with one another and fight it if it does.

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