you left me behind (Tony x Reader)

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He drank another glass of scotch, he couldn't even feel the burn anymore. All he could do was watch with envy as Steve danced with her. As she laughed at his pathetic jokes and bopped senselessly to the crappy music. He didn't even know why he even bothered to show up at the club, but when he heard that she and Steve were going partying, he decided to accompany, though more secretly. His heart panged with longing as he saw her bright smile and he could see how it lit up the entire room. How he longed to kiss her senseless under the colourful lights and the dancing crowd. And feel how the world faded out around him like before. 

"Tony!" You squealed, trying to grab the remote back by climbing all over him, "Give it back!"

He laughed, holding the remote as far back as he could then as you leant a tad bit further, he swept it down, making you fall back onto the couch, your hair splayed out like a halo around your head. He leaned forward, his chest against yours and one hand combing your hair, he kissed you and kissed him back, eagerly. He felt the world drown out around him and then the feeling of your hand trailing down his back. Next thing he knew, you let out a victorious cry and snatched the remote from his grasp, pressing play and curling up beside him, humming contently as your favourite show continued to play. He lay his arm around you and tugged you even closer, wanting to be like this forever.

"Hey there, you okay, dude?" asked the bartender, his dishcloth flipped over one shoulder as he looked at Tony, his hands squeezing the glass so tightly as he watched the two dance, looking like he'd burst a vein or break the glass.

"Yeah...Just refill this, keep it on my tab." Tony ordered, pushing the glass forward for the bartender to take.

She spun around and laughed, Steve pulling her in tightly then spinning her back out again. Tony wished he could do that again. He wished she'd look at him with friendliness and compassion like before. He felt a crushing weight on his heart and he snatched his glass back as the bartender placed the full glass in front of him. He downed it in one gulp, trying to shake out the memories.

"Is that burning?!" You yelped, pulling yourself out of your kiss with Tony as you smelled the air. You two were supposed to have been cooking tonight's meal but had gotten an eensy bit distracted.

"Who cares..." He murmured, leaving a trail of kisses on your neck, you groaned, not wanting to move but pushed him slightly away, jumping off of the kitchen countertop and checking the oven, "Crap!"

You opened the oven and pulled out the tray filled with crispy chicken. "No, no, no!" You moaned in frustration, you had spent ages making sure the chicken was edible for everyone.

Tony wrapped his arms around your waist and kissed you on the forehead, "It's okay, we could just say it was a new style of cooking chicken."

You laughed, "What? Making out while the chicken is burning in the oven?"

"Mhm.." He nuzzled your neck with his nose.

You laughed again and spun around, facing him and kissed him sweetly, the food forgotten.

The beat of the music matched the headache pulse in his head. It had been two hours now of being on the dance floor. Tony got up and threw a one hundred dollar note on the bar, leaving the club and walking, morosely back to the tower, his heart feeling like it was paper having been just shredded into tiny meaningless slivers.

You pulled at his arm, jumping up and down with excitement, "I swear you'll love it!" You insisted.

He smiled, "And what is it exactly?"

"It's a surprise!" You chimed, doing a weird dance down the hallway, still holding his hand, dragging him to the doors to the living room.

You knocked five times in a weird rhythm and Tony looked at you, amused.

You opened the door and shoved him ahead of you, screaming, "SURPRISE!"

Everyone he knew was in that room, leaping out from hiding places and yelling what you had just called out five seconds ago.

" this?" Tony asked, unsure of what he was seeing, it wasn't his birthday, or anything significantly important.

"Oh, honey!" You pecked him on the cheek, "It's the celebration of you being sober for a whole year!"

Tony's mouth hung open and he turned to face you, "You did this all for me?" he asked quietly, a small smile creeping up on his face.

"Of course! I love you!" You kissed his nose and made your way to the drinks bar, everything there was non-alcoholic beverages.

"You love me?" he murmured, not sure if you had realised what you had just said, you tow hadn't exchanged those words before.

"Y/N!" He called you over, and you walked over, curious.

He kissed you suddenly and whispered in your ear, "I love you so much."

And against his lips, he could feel yours upturning into a smile.

Tony kicked a stone on the street, surprised he could even see straight.

He pulled out his phone and his fingers fumbled over the keys, calling Rhodes.

"Hey, okay?" Rhodes's voice came concerned down the phone.

"She's with him, Rhodey." His voice cracked, "Rogers."

His best friend sighed down the phone, "Look, just get back to the tower and drink some water. It's the best you can do. Don't intervene and don't say anything to anyone, got it?"

Tony hung up.

"I love you forever and ever and ever" her voice echoed through his head as the loud nightclub music faded out.

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