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📚Quiz 07📚 (answers)

1. The first muazzin of Islam was...

A. Hazrat bilal  ✔️
B. hazrat Ubaidullah
C. Hazrath hussain  (ra)

2. The first mosque of islam is

A. masjid al haram
B. Masjid al aqsa
C. Masjid al quba✔️

3. The first Poet of islam was

A. Hazrat Ubaidullah
B. Zaid ibn harithah
C. Hassan bin thabith (ra)✔️

4. The first child who accepted Islam was

A. Umar (ra)
B. Abubakr (ra)
C. Ali (ra) ✔️

5. The first battle fought with the mushriqeen was

A. Badr✔️
B. Khandaq
C. Uhad

ربي زدني علما!!!

Jazakumulllahu Khairan for your reads votes comments 😍😍😍

Be ready for next quiz 😊😊

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