260 22 18

Assalamu alaikum...

📚Quiz 06📚

1. The major part of quran was revealed at
     ...............  Time.

A. Afternoon
B. Night
C. day
D. Midnight

2. The longest surah covers........of the quran

A. 1/15 th
B. 1/14 th
C. 1/13 th
D. 1/12 th

3. The word ............ Has been used at 92          places in the Qur'an

A. Islam
B. Saum
C. Salath
D. Zakath

4. Last wahi came on......

A. Shawwal
B. Safar
C. Ramazan
D. Rabiul awwal

5. The creation of heaven and earth is mentioned in surah........

A. Nahl
B. Yaseen
C. Thauba
D. Yunus

Try to answer all these questions...

ربي زدني علما!!!

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