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Jazakumulllahu Khairan readers!!
For your consideration!!
And for your valuable votes ❤️❤️❤️

And yes!!
The answer is:
Khalid bin Waleed...


I'm going to post  quizzes
Try to give answers all by yourself
So you can clear your confusions..

One quiz contains 5 questions..
You have to give me all the 5 answers and after that I'll announce you the winner🤗🤗


                       📚Quiz 01📚

1.  Prophet hudh (as) was sent to the people of???

2.  Where did prophet Muhammad (pbuh) and hazrath abu bakr (ra) take shelter before proceeding to madeena during hijrath???

3.  About which companion did prophet Muhammad (pbuh) said: if there would have been any prophet after me it would have been.......???

4.  Muslims first migrated to habasha, what is the current name of this country??

5.  Who was a prophet whose father, grand father, and great grandfather were also prophets??

ربي زدني علما!!!
Oh lord!! Increase me in knowledge!!

Answer me ❤️❤️❤️
     Do vote and comment!!
جزاكم الله خيرا كثيرا !!!

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