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Beautiful souls; you'd see eye bags and dark circles around their eyes
If they undress, you can see their ribs perfectly shaped beneath their skin
Red noses from crying last night
But theyd smile at you whenever they see you
And hold your heart until you feel the warmth underneath your chest
Or maybe youd see flawless faces with absolutely no clue of how they spent last night
They're the ones who are good at hiding their emotions
And yet they'd kiss your heart until you blush
Until you overflow with love

They all will tell you how amazing you are
Even tho they want you to tell them the same
Theyd stay up for you when you're sad, cuz they know how it feels like to go through things alone

And when you're feeling okay again, you'd throw them away
Leaving no one to take care of them
Theyd crawl until they get the courage to get up again
And do absolutely anything to put a smile on someone's face
And take care of others hearts

But who'd take care of theirs? Cuz nowadays we tend to break the most beautiful souls of them all. And I worry that we will be left with only cold hearts after sometime.

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