Where were you?

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   With some help from his friends at the department Brian finally got his chance to get in good with Dominic. He sped down the street he was given a heads up that Dom was known to hide his car on and was just in time to save the day. He spotted Dom running down a side street and swerved to grab him. "Get in!" Dom looked shocked but did as he was told, hearing the sirens getting closer.

    Brian took off with the cops behind him. The terrible racer driving like a pro. Dodging cars and hitting side streets like he had done this many times before. Dom gave the door a slap and looked at Brian. "You're the last person in the world I expected to show up." Brian glanced at him, "I thought if I got in your good graces, you might let me keep my car." He joked. Dom nodded, "You are in my good graces, but you ain't keeping your car." Dom paused for a second, "You drive like you've done this before. Are you a wheelman?" Brian shook his head, "No." Dom asked again, "You boost cars?" Again, Brian shook his head, "No. Never." Giving him one last chance Dom asked, "Ever do time?" Brian was getting nervous and tried to play it off. "Couple of overnighters. No big deal." Dom scoffed, "What about the two years in juvie for boosting cars?" Brian was shocked, that was real, how did Dom know? Did the department put that in his profile?

   Dom's next words eased his mind slightly, "Tucson, right?" Dom seeing the real shock thought the guy might be real. Brian nodded going along with the story he was from Arizona. "I had Jesse run a profile on you, Brian Earl Spilner. You're lucky if Ally doesn't run another the way you've been looking at my sister." Now this truly worried Brian, he knew Jesse was good, but he knew Ally was another level. "He'll find anything on the Web. Anything about anybody" Brian knew there wasn't anything on the web about him. It was Ally's hacking skills that he was worried about now.Dom had to ask, "So, why the bullshit?" Brian didn't have an answer that wouldn't make him look guilty, so he turned the question around, though he knew the answer. "So, what about you?" Dom got a haunted look in his eyes. He quietly said, "Two years in Lompoc...I'll die before that happens again."

   Before either could make another comment the sound of motorcycles was heard coming up fast behind them. Dom looked in the mirrors, realizing where they were, he sighed, "Ah, shit!" Brian looked confused, "What?" An armed man tapped the window telling them to pull over up ahead. "This night just got a hell of a lot longer, and I was already out of time."Johnny Tran and his crew circled the car guns pointed. Johnny himself sauntered up to Dom, "I thought we had an agreement?" he said walking around the car. "You stay away, I stay away...Everybody stays happy." Dom knew this wouldn't end well, too many feuds over the years. "We got lost, Johnny...What'd ya want me to tell ya?" Johnny looked intrigued, never a good thing. "Who's we?" Dom thought quick. "Um, my new mechanic. Brian, meet Johnny Tran, and the guy in the snakeskin pants, that's his cousin Lance." Dom quickly changed the subject away from them. "So, when you gonna give me a shot at that Honda 2000 of yours?" Johnny ignored the attempt to change the subject. "This your ride?" he asked Brian. "It was, it's his now." He said nodding to Dom. Trying to fix what he had done in ignorance he quickly amended, "No it's not, I haven't taken delivery." Johnny made a face that meant nothing good for them. "It's nobody's car. Somebody put in the wrench time." Walking to his cousin, "What do you think, Lance?" "It's an amazing machine." Answered the man in snake skin pants. Johnny nodded, "Yes, indeed."

   Johnny patted Dom on the shoulder and made to get back on his bike. "I'll see you in the desert next month. Be ready to have your ass handed to you." Dom couldn't let that go. "Ya, you're gonna need more than that crotch rocket." "I got something for you." He answered ominously. As they went to get back in the car, they heard motorcycles approaching again. Johnny's crew opened fire on the "unowned" car. Dom realizing their plan yelled, "NOS!" They both ran from the car as it went sky high from the amount of Nitrous in the tanks. With no other options they started to walk. "So, what the hell was that about?" asked Brian. Dom sighed, "It's a long story." "Well, we got a 20-mile hike, so humor me." "A business deal that went sour, plus Ally put his sister in jail for hitting on me."As Dom walked up the steps to the house, even in his hurry to get to Ally and his fury that they threw a party in his house, his manners demanded he offer the man a beer. "Yo, Spilner! Want a beer?" Dom walked into the house, he looked around his fury growing with every new thing he saw seeing. Leon was the first one to see Dom storming towards them, he quickly threw the girl off his lap, bottle of vodka in his hand. "Yo, Dom! Hey brother, we were just about to go look for you!" Dom knocked the bottle out of his hand. Making his way towards Vince who seemed to be giving a concert in the corner.

   "Where were you?" he demanded of him. "There were mass cops, man! They came from every direction. That shit was orchestrated!" Vince defended. Dom asked the only question he cared about "Where. Is. Allyson?!" Letty walked up hearing the last question. "She's out, Dom. She needed a shot when we got back. Mia is upstairs with her." Dom ran his hand down his face with a muttered, "fuck." He knew there wasn't much he could do now; the medication would have her out for at least a few hours. He tiredly made his way toward the couch.Just then Vince noticed who was standing in the doorway. "Yo, Dom! Why'd you bring the buster back?!" Dom spun, "Cause the buster kept me out of handcuffs! He didn't just stay at The Fort.... the buster brought me back. What do you think would have happened to Ally if I got busted again?" Vince immediately felt guilt but knowing when to shut up was never his strong suit. Dom offered Brian a beer and gave him directions to the bathroom. Finally sitting Dom let everything that had happened that night sink in. "He got no call being up in here. You don't know that fool for shit!" Vince pointed out. Dom knew he might have a point, but he was too tired to give a shit, and since when was Vince ever right.Dom stood heading towards the stairs. "I want this house spotless when these people leave! If you need me knock...but don't need me." He said smirking.

   Going up the stairs he passed Spilner. He paused, "You know you still owe me a ten second car." The crew laughed at the guys misfortune. He quietly opened the door to their room and walked in shutting it behind him to keep out the party guest stupid enough to come upstairs. He was glad he invested in making the room almost soundproof for times just like this. He found Mia on the couch they kept in their room pouring over her medical text books. She looked up as he came in. "Dom!" she rushed to hug him glad her brother was home safe. He sat on the side of the bed holding Ally's hand and looking at how peaceful she looked in her sleep. "So, how's our girl doin'?" he asked his med student sister. She sighed, "This was a bad one Dominic, the stress of everything is catching up to her and her body can't handle so many episodes so close together." "So, what do we do, Mia? I can't lose her."

   Mia was quiet for a moment, "Dom she needs to stay calm. That might mean putting racing...and all the other stuff on hold for a while..." Dom butted in. "I can hold out till Race Wars, but everything else has to go as scheduled. We need this money, Mia. She needs that treatment and we all need a fresh start." Mia didn't know what to say to that. It was true but she was worried she would lose her family in trying to have it all."Listen, go get dressed and have fun downstairs. I've got her from here and I'm sure Brian is looking for you downstairs." Mia ran her hands over her hair and looked at what she was wearing. Not the most flattering, a bun and a large grease stained shirt from the garage. She quickly left knowing that Ally would be fine now that her brother was back, and she could really use a drink after tonight. Dom stripped to his boxers, flipping on the tv he decided to wait for her to wake up so they could talk before he went to sleep. Laying there with her in his arms he felt helpless and on top of the world at the same time.

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