Winning's Winning

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   As Ally sat on the hood, millions of theories about this Brian Earl Spilner ran through her mind. Each as unlikely as the next. Her sister gave her a shoulder bump bringing her out of her own mind. "Girl, I can see the wheels spinnin' what's going on in that head?" Ally gave her a half smile. "Just thinking about the victory party and our new car." Making them both laugh and Vince to wince, she was like a sister he didn't need to hear that.

   Ally could hear Dom's stereo blasting as he waited for the all clear to start the race. She even thought she saw the young kid playing PlayStation as he waited for the signal. Edwin has some race trash at his window throwing his hand down their shirt. She crinkled her nose thinking how desperate some women get. Finally, she heard Leon on the team's radio. "I got a 187 in Glendale, cops are all over it, we're good to roll man. I repeat we're good to roll. Let's race!" With that Hector raised his hands and the engines wound up. Flames shooting from the tailpipes it was the adrenaline moment of the race. Ally could feel it pumping through her body even though she knew the inevitable outcome. Dominic wasn't call the King for no reason.

   As Hector's hand fell the cars were off in a blur of motion. Dominic took a quick lead as always. The rookie could barely keep his car on the street further proving that something wasn't right. With the first shift Dominic took an even bigger lead. It surprised no one that the rookie barely seemed to be able to shift the car, much less precision shifting at speeds topping 100 mph. She was shocked when the man who was already having trouble controlling his car had NOS spray out of his tailpipe taking him to new speeds. Did this guy have a death wish?

   As he neared the middle of the race, he did the unthinkable and added a second spray of NOS. She knew for a fact that Dom was still racing on pure skill and muscle. As Brian got closer and closer to Dom, she knew he would be thinking about victory. However, Dom doesn't lose, ever. She almost screamed as pieces of Brian's car started to shear off and go flying towards the onlookers. She felt the moment that Dom decided to smash this guy's hopes and hit a single shot of NOS throwing him into the finish line well ahead of everyone.

   As the real racers wound down their cars coming to a stop the green car could be seen smoking and spinning out. Pulling back up to the starting area Dom got out of his car. He was swarmed with people that wanted to say they had seen or talked to him. She sat waiting knowing that he would come when he was done with his performance. Hector was handing him his winnings when Brian finally made it back to the starting area. "My sister holds the money...count it." Dom stepped in front of Ally holding her up, "And you're my trophy." Ally wished she could capture that moment and relive that feeling every day. Her family and her man all happy, healthy, and celebrating. She worried these moments would one day have to come to an end. If only she had known how soon it would come crashing down.

   Dom heard the laughing and jeers of the crowd and knew it was time to collect. Letting Ally down he held most of her weight and they walked together to their new car. The crowd parting, knowing how the crew could be if you injured the Queen (Not that anything could be proven). Jesse ran ahead ready to scope out the damage the rookie had done to the beautiful machine. "Was that fun?" he asked sarcastically. He popped the latches of the hood and smoke enveloped the crowd. Dom shook his head at the stupidity of this guy who could have died not knowing how to control such a powerful machine. Yet, there he stood with a stupid smile on his face almost laughing. Ally thought it must have been his first real taste of adrenaline, you never forget your first.

   Dom had to ask, "What're you smilin' about?" The man laughed and pointed to Dom, "Dude, I almost had you." If her hands weren't wrapped around Dom's arm, she would have given that a face palm. He truly had no idea of what he had done. Dominic was "nice enough" to enlighten him. In full showman style he explained the man's nearly fatal flaws. "You almost had me?!" he scoffed. "You never had me, you never had your car." Ally had to grin at that because it was true. She was just glad no one was hurt because this rookie thought he could race. Dom wasn't done however, "Granny Shiftin', not double clutchin' like you should. You're lucky that 100 shot of NOS didn't blow the welds on the intake." Ally patted his arm letting him know he could let go and do his thing. He circled the car, truly playing up the crowd.

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