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Still not sure what the fuck it was I wrote in that last chapter… well, none of you seemed to hate it, which is nice at least.

Blaise walked slowly across the lawn. His mother’s mansion loomed over him, like a big black monster. He shuddered. He had no happy memories of this place.

Eveline Zabini had never been motherly. Throughout most of his childhood, she had spent her time with various suitor and left him in the care of a stranger. He came from a line of pureblooded Slytherins and had always been expected to continue that line.

He didn’t mind though. He hated muggles, mudbloods, bloodtraitors and everything in between. His mother had drilled that into him at a very young age.

He grabbed the silver handle and tried to open the door, it was locked. He cursed to himself before knocking. He’d hoped to avoid his mother.

It was their house elf Something that opened the door. It looked as pathetic as ever. It wore it’s usual sack, which hang loosely around it’s skinny frame. He’d never known the gender of Something, not that it mattered. Mother had denied it gender and name, and it was simply referred to as Something.

“Master Zabini” it croaked uneasily, averting his eyes.

“Is-..” Blaise began but was interrupted when a beautiful ebony-haired woman appeared behind the elf.

“Blaise? Is that you?” her voice was as soft as silk with a rhythmic tint to it, which hinted to a beautiful singing voice.

“Yes, Mother” Blaise answered sternly.

Eveline stepped closer her son drawing him in for a short embrace, “it is so wonderful to see you, my son” she smiled amused flashing her pearly white teeth.

Blaise returned the smile hesitantly. His mother was very beautiful indeed. Her slender frame was lush and her curves were in all the right places. Her skin was a flawless chocolaty colour and her eyes were a deep amber. Her hair was a rich ebony and gracefully set up in a bun.

“But… shouldn’t you be at school?” she asked hesitantly, she had never bothered learning his schedule nor did she discipline him much when it came to schoolwork.

“I got tired of it” Blaise stated matter-of-factly.

“Oh” Eveline looked her son over and turned around beginning to walk towards the huge oaken staircase, “well, I’m going to a meeting tonight, so you’ll be on your own” she smiled warmly, before proceeding up the stairs, “Something, I’d like some scotch up”

“Yes, madam” the elf whispered hurrying away stumbling over it’s feet.

Blaise sighed. He was well aware what the meeting his mother was attending would be about. He wished she would stay out of such things, but she could be as stubborn as mule once she chose to be.

He furrowed his brows remembering Draco. He clenched his fist with anger and confusion. His love for the blonde was as strong as ever, but the jealousy was slowly taking over. With solid steps he walked towards his room, his mind a bundle of messed up thoughts.

I have a request – no pressure. I’ve started on a new Harry Potter fanfic… It sounds a bit like a cliché “forbidden love story” but I promise it’s not – only a tiny bit. And uhmm… it would mean a lot A LOT if you’d check it out. Thanks!

Another Forbidden Love Story

I’ve always considered myself to be an “ordinary” girl. I don’t think of this as bad thing it’s just the way it is – I’ve accepted it. Yet sometime I catch myself in the act of daydreaming…


My name is Willow. I used to have a surname. I used to have so many things. A mother. A father. A life. But they are no more-… I furrow my brows as the memories flash through my head. All the blood. The screams. I feel sick.

For a long time I have been alone – with one purpose; to kill as many werewolves as possible and avenge my family. I don’t allow myself to settle down, I’m scared to interact with others – scared to care. Until the day, he came along. The pale boy with stormy eyes and blonde hair. Draco Malfoy.

Feel - Drarry [discontinued]Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang