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Dedicated to Olivia aka. Steve (LostAllHope00) for writing her Drarrytastic FF: All I Need!! Link here: It partly inspired me to write my own Drarry story. Thank you Steve!

Sorry for the waiting… spent hours figuring out what type of fabric Draco’s robe should be – do you know how many options there is!? I found a list on Wikipedia and half of it was knitted or lace and the other half sounded French. Still, it all comes down to the details and I ended on cotton – spend way, way too much time researching.


Harry started gathering himself, straightening his robes. What had just happened? He leaned his head against the wall exhaling slowly. Blaise Zabini was in love with Draco and he knew about their… kiss. ‘What have you gotten yourself into, Harry?’ he thought for a moment clenching his fists, his heart throbbing with concern and confusion. ‘And what was that about Draco ending up? What did he mean? He couldn’t mean.. Ending up… dead? No, that wasn’t possible.’ He shook his head as if trying to make the thoughts go away.

“Tempus” he whispered and waved his wand. 16:36. He still had at least an hour before meeting up with Draco. The thought made his belly flutter. Should he even go? He couldn’t not go… he needed to figure out how he felt about the Malfoy… All this was so disconcerting it was giving him a headache. He sighed and started walking towards the common room. An hour should be enough time to get ready. He blushed – since when did he need time to “get ready”?

“Hey Harry! Where have you been?” Hermione was sitting in an armchair beside the fireplace reading some heavy book, suspicion written all over her face.

“Uhhm. Nowhere really” he answered, his eyes flickering. Hermione looked him up and down puzzled.

“You seem distant lately. Is something wrong? You know, you can tell me everything,” she said.

“I know… it’s just… complicated” he half-smiled at how ridiculous that sounded, “I’m just… I don’t know. I really gotta go” he ended and ran towards his dorm.

Once inside he let out a long, sarcastic sigh – well done, Harry!


Draco was pacing his dorm trying to find an acceptable pair of robes. Right now, it seemed impossible. There was an hour ‘till their meeting and he was getting more nervous by the minute. What was he thinking?.. maybe Blaise was right? This would never ever work… It was impossible… It couldn’t… If anyone found out… If he found out… maybe… but what if… no… His head was spinning wildly. He wanted scream.

It was just too good to be truth. Any minute now, he would wake up and it would all be a dream – a wonderful, amazing dream. He had never realized any of this fully. He had never realized just how in love he was. It was like that cliché where your world suddenly turns into rainbows and fluffy clouds. He let out a sarcastic laugh. He didn’t deserve this. He wanted to better himself but still. The thoughts from last night flew through his mind. He wasn’t forced to do anything. He could not force him to do anything.

“What are you doing?” he spun around already knowing the owner of the voice. Pansy Parkinson. She just wouldn’t go away, would she? Always interrupting you when you least wanted it. She was like a leech attaching itself to a victim and not letting go until they fell to the ground, dead.

“You’re not allowed in here, Pansy” he spit out her name as if it was venomous but as always Pansy ignored the clear rejection.

“I know. It’s all to make it a bit more interesting. Breaking the rules… together” she took three slow ‘seductive’ steps and placed her hands on his chest. He wrenched away in disgust. He still had no idea what gave her the idea that he was interested in her in any way. Hell, he wasn’t even straight! He was very, very gay!

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