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Dedicated to DrarryisLife because she is the first person reading this and letting me know that she apparently likes it. It made me blush and go all crazy *victory dance*. So I just wanted to THANK YOU! DrarryisLife. You might not know it but it means like - a lot - to me C:

Draco was sitting in the Slytherin common room a big grin on his face. He hadn’t been able to change his expression since the encounter with Harry. All he could think was that it must’ve have been a dream.

It was already late night when he came back. He’d been so consumed about being with Harry that he hadn’t noticed how the time had flown. Everyone was already asleep in their dorms except him – or so he thought.

Blaise had been waiting up for Draco to return suffused with concern. He was the only one who knew about the task and he’d noticed how stressed Draco had become. He knew Draco had gone to the Room of Requirement, which usually left him in a foul mood. Considering this, Blaise had waited up. He was madly in love with Draco. He’d never felt this way towards another being ever before so it often times left him confused. Through 5th year, he and Draco had had what you might call a fling but to Blaise it was so much more. Unfortunately, Draco had broken things off before summer break.

Now Draco entered the common room practically skipping taking Blaise completely by surprise. He hadn’t seen Draco this happy for what seemed like years. After a few minutes, he exited the shadows and in long strides walked towards Draco.

“Blaise. I didn’t see you,” Draco said trying to keep his face emotionless not succeeding very well.

“I was worried about you. What’s happened? You seem… happy?” Blaise sat down opposite Draco his heart brimming with confusion and fear.

“I-.. nothing, Blaise”

“It doesn’t seem like nothing” Blaise edged closer.

“Would it be wrong for me to be happy?”

Blaise raised an eyebrow clearly confused, “what do you mean? What’s happened?”

“Should I just give in to what he wants and erase my feelings? Live the rest of my life in fear and sadness?”

“I don’t understand, Draco”

“I kissed, Potter”

It was all Blaise could do to keep his face expressionless. Draco had kissed Potter! The thought that the pure beautiful lips of Draco Malfoy could touch those of Scarface Potter filled him with disgust. He knew Draco secretly had feelings for Potter, it was the very reason to why they had broken things off but he’d never in a millions years imagined that anything would come out of it. His entire body tensed with anger and jealousy. “What!?” he said with as calm a voice as he could muster.

Draco furrowed his brows and let out a long sigh. “Is it so wrong that I like him?” He pleaded.

“No-.. it’s…” Blaise face was bathed in pain and anger, “If anyone found out it would cost both of you your lives. If the dar-.. If he found out, he’d either punish you severely or exploit your relationship to his advantage. Nothing good can ever come out of it, Draco,” Blaise said keeping his voice cold getting his emotions under control.

“Maybe I don’t want to do what he wants me to. I don’t have to do it, and if he kills me… well-.. then it’ll have been worth it,” Draco said with a determined look on his face.

Blaise sucked air in through his teeth for a second hiding his head in his hands. What he was hearing terrified him. Should Draco choose to defy the Dark Lord there was no saying what his punishment would be. He would never let that happen, “what about you parents? Your mother!? They’ll get punished as well you know”

Pain ran over Draco’s sharp features. He hesitated, “others have sacrificed more… and I could warn mother so she’d have time to escape”

“Don’t do this, Draco” Blaise voiced clenching his jaw leaning in on him as if to kiss him, but Draco pulled away and with one last lingering look he got up and left for his dorm.


The events of last night still played through Harry’s mind. He just couldn’t stop thinking about it yet he still didn’t understand anything in the slightest. Draco had been Harry’s enemy practically since day one. There had never been anything but hate and spite between as far as Harry was concerned – or had there? Ugh! It was all so damn confusing… until last night Harry didn’t even know he was gay! Or bi-… or whatever…

“What are you thinking about, Harry?” Hermione asked clearly worried about his lack of participation in their conversation.

Harry stared at her with blank eyes as the message sank in. His cheeks then flushed a bright pink, “I-.. Uhh...” he said scratching the back his head, “to tell you the truth I’m not sure”

Ron laughed at this, happy that it for once wasn’t him messing up his speech, “is it a girl, Harry? Someone special!?” he smirked at Harry’s shocked expression, “I knew it” he said triumphantly, “Harry’s in loooove”

“Who’s in love” Ginny asked from across the table.

“It’s Harry! But he won’t say who it is” Ron laughed as Hermione punched him in the side.

“Stop being such a dingbat, Ron” she said with a teasing smile.

“But you like it when I’m a dingbat, Mione” he answered just as teasingly planting a soft kiss on her lips making her blush. Harry smiled at his best friends, grateful that the conversation was moving on towards another subject.

As usual, his eyes slowly began travelling towards a certain table scanning the benches for Draco and as usual, he wasn’t there. Harry sighed. His concern grew as they went to their first period; Herbology. Draco should have been present but was nowhere to be seen. Where was he!? Harry just hoped that he’d show up as they’d planned.

After the last class of the day, Harry excused himself to his friends saying that he needed to go the bathroom when he in reality wanted to look for Draco. He hadn’t shown himself all day. Harry tried to think of a way to find him. He couldn’t go too close to the dungeons in case someone saw him but perhaps he could go to the room of requirement. That was after all where they’d last seen each other.

He virtually sprinted towards the seventh floor when he rudely interrupted and pressed against the wall, a wand held beneath his chin in a threating position.

“Whaa-?” Harry looked up and found himself staring into a pair of chocolate eyes. It took him a moment before he recognized his assaulter as Blaise Zabini.  

“Potter” He spit out the word with much contempt hatred shining out through his eyes.

“Zabini? What are yo-!” Harry tried to speak but Blaise held a firm hand over his mouth.

“Listen carefully, Potter, because I will only say this once. Stay. Away. From. Draco.” for a second Harry thought he saw some doubt flash across Zabini’s dark features  as if he was considering if what he was doing was right, but then his expression hardened, “Nothing good can ever come out of it. He’ll end up…” he clenched his jaws, “I swear to God, I’ll-.. I’ll-..” Harry could see tears threatening to erupt from the corners of his eye.

“Just stay. Away. From. Draco. Malfoy.” Harry’s eyes widened and he tried to open his mouth about to defend himself when Blaise cut him off, “don’t even bother denying anything. I know. And I will not let it happen” forcefully he let go of Harry and started to trudge away seething with anger.

“You’re in love with him”

For a second Blaise seemed to hesitate before quickly disappearing around the corner one thought going through his head, ‘oh no, Blaise. What are you doing?’

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