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Please comment and tell me what you think of the direction the story is taking so far, because I am in a bit of a struggle with how the plot should evolve. Arigato!

Dumbledore was no longer in the office but Harry didn’t have time to stand around and wait for him. He had to find Draco. He needed him… and he knew that now. No matter what happened he would always love Draco Malfoy.

He hurried down the stairs out into the hallway. His first instincts were to go to their usual meeting place. Even if Draco wasn’t there, Harry needed to clear his head and figure out how to make it work.


The room reflected his feelings. It was dark and dusty. Books were lying around on the floor. Several broken furniture were stacked on top of each other.

The blonde-haired boy coughed. He was pale and thin. His cheeks were poufy and red from crying. Everything seemed hopeless. He had lost Harry. He had lost Blaise. He had lost himself.

Suddenly the sound of books falling to the ground reached his ear. He shot straight up holding out his wand in a defensive position.

His eyes widened, “Harry” he whispered.

The Gryffindor took two long steps embracing Draco who immediately broke down.

“I’m sorry, Harry. I’m so, so sorry! I didn’t mean to..”

“Sshh. I am sorry too, it’s okay… it’s all okay”

“I’m sorry. I don’t deserve you, I’m no good fo..”

Harry broke their embrace, “stop!” a glint of anger in his eyes, “I don’t want to hear it! I don’t fucking care about what you’ve done, okay! It’s in the past” he grabbed Draco’s face making their eyes meet, “all I know is that I love you.”

That was it. Draco’s legs crumbled beneath him, he let out a sob of relief.

Panic immediately filled Harry’s chest, “What!? Are you okay.. did I say something wrong?”

Draco only laughed, grabbing the boy he’d come to love by his tie locking their lips together.

“I love you” he managed in between the kisses, “I love you so damn much”

Harry thought his heart might explode. He’d never experienced happiness like this.

Everything seemed to fall in place, yet despite of the joy he felt swelling inside his heart, Draco couldn’t help but feel guilty. Harry had forgiven him without knowing about how Draco had betrayed him… he’d kissed Blaise…

Short chapter – I’m sorry, but it’s all I can manage + I felt like it needed to stop here.

Should Draco tell Harry that he kissed Blaise? Leave me a comment and tell me what you think!

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