Chapter 10

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We get back from the Fair around 11 o'clock and the guys decide to go to out tonight.

"Where you guys going baby?" I ask Vinny while I make myself a sandwich, "I think Clutch?" he answers "Yo Mike, where we going tonight?" Vinny yells from across the room. "We hittin up clutch tonight dawg" he says entering the kitchen.

Maya; I finally finish making my sandwich, I turn around to grab a cup of water and then I go back to my sandwich and it's basically gone.

"VINNNYYY!" I whine and he just laughs and runs away, "You're such an ass" I playfully roll my eyes, "CABS ARE HERE!" I hear Pauly yell, and everyone leaves besides Sam, Jenni, Snooki and I.

"Can i talk to you guys?" Sam asks coming into the living room, "What's up?" Jenni questions, Do you guys know anything?" she asks again, "About?" Snooki asks.

"Just anything I don't know about Ron?" "Do you think I should be with him?.. I feel like he's playing me" she groans, "And if you guys know anything and not tell me I will be very upset with you?" She says looking at Snooki, Jenni and I.

I just look at Jenni and Snooki, "Maya you look like you know something"

"We don't know anything" I say, "If anyone was to know something it would be Angelina, she's the one always with the guys" I add and then the phone rings and Snooki goes to answer.

A couple seconds later Nicole starts screaming "Are you serious?", "What happened?" I mouth to Jenni and she shrugs.

"He just said he fucked a girl at the club" Snooki angrily screams, "Don't ever call this fucking house again, DON'T FUCKING JOKE ABOUT THAT, Go fuck yourself you jerkoff, I hope you fucking die" she says slamming the phone down.

The phone then rings AGAIN. I decide to go and answer it.

Maya: Hello?
Emalio: Hello
Maya; If you call this fucking house again I will call the cops? You understand me? Or We will all get on a flight to go beat your ass.
Emalio; Is this a voice mail? Is this a voice mail?

"He just asked me if this is a voicemail" I say hanging the phone up and we all begin laughing.

The phone then rings again so I decide to hand it to Jenni,

Jenni; Hello you have reached the Miami Residence please leave a message at the tone we would appreciate it.
Emalio: Hello? Hello?
Emalio; Hellooooo?
Jenni; Let me get something clear, We have over 10 6' foot guys outside our door. Nicole doesn't need your pathetic ass. Don't call this house again. *slams phone down*

We all begin laughing at the phone call.

Sammie, Snooki; FUCK GUYSSSSSS

Snooki decides to go smash plates outside to go get her anger out, "Angelina you're gonna pick that up in the morning? Good goodnight" She says causing us all to laugh.

"Let's go head to bed before we cause some trouble" I laugh and everyone agrees as we make our way to our rooms.

"GOOODNIGHT" I yell, then Sammie yells, then Snooki and then Jenni yells, two seconds later all the guys come into the house yelling, it's fucking 6 in the morning.

Snooki and I walk out into the living room because we know we aren't getting sleep for a bit now.

"I had the worst fucking night" she says beginning to explain her night to the guys and Angelina.

"Bro Emalio is a fucking bitch, Snooki don't stress over that jerk off!" I say trying to help cheer Snooki up.

"Babyyy" Vinny slurs throwing his arms around my waist from behind me, "Yes Vin" I laugh, "I'm really drunk, like really drunk, like black out drunk" he slurs, I could barely even understand what he was saying.

"C'mon lets go put you to bed" I laugh and then hear Sam fighting with Ron from down the hall.

I put Vinny in my bed because I doubt he wants to listen to Sam and Ronnie argue all night.

"Come snuggle with me" he says struggling to take off his sweatshirt and I begin laughing, "What's so funny" he pouts like a 5 year old, "Nothing nothing" I giggle some more and then hop in bed beside him.

We then begin spooning and slowly fall asleep.


GUYS IM HAVING REALLY BAD WRITERS BLOCK. Someone message me or comment drama I could add into this book or ideas for chapters cause ya girls stressinng😶

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