Chapter 8

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"Maya" I hear Sam say as I open up my eyes, "Hmm?" I hum as I look over at the clock and it said 4am.

"The guys brought home girls" She says causing me to sit up in my bed, I decide to get up and get a glass of water and walk out onto the front porch.

I look over and I see Mike, Pauly, and Vin in the hot tub with girls and let me tell you those girls were grandes.

Sam and I begin laughing, "Who are they?" One of the girls ask Mike "Those are our roommates" Mike answers.

Those girls were all over the boys, It was disgusting have some class.

"Why are you laughing?" One of the girls look at Sam and say in a snobby tone. "You" Sam smiles causing me to laugh.

"You wanna go bitch?" The girl says standing up in the hot tub. "Come at me bro" Sam starts walking over to the hot tub and you can tell the girl got shook because she hid behind Vin.

"I think it's time for your friends to go" I laugh and walk into the house and Sam follows.

I then see Pauly, Mike and Vinny enter the house, "Where'd your whores go?" I ask leaning over on the counter drinking my water "They went home" Mike replies.

"Next time can you not cock block us?" Mike says clearly annoyed with Sam and I, "Next time can you not bring grandes home" I shoot back at him causing him to go quite, "Exactly" Sam laughing.

"I'm gonna go back to bed" I shrug walking back towards my room, and I feel a pair of arms warp around my waist.

"I'm sorry" I hear Vinny's voice say from behind me, and I just stand there, "I really want to be with you" he adds

"You say you want to be with me, yet you were all over girls at the club and when I got onto the front deck?" I roll my eyes and begin walking away.

"C'mon Maya" He says following me into my room, "Next time don't bring a fucking girl home and this would've ended differently!" I yell losing my shit on him.

"Whatever, Fuck you!" He yells back at me causing me to take a step back, "You wish" I smirk shutting the door to my room.

I hear a bang on the wall, he clearly punched it.

Vinny; I don't even know what I did wrong to the girl yo.

I just laugh at this whole situation, "What was that bang?" Jenni asks opening her eyes, "It was Vinny, he brought a girl home and when that failed he decided to say 'he wanted to be with me' probably just to hookup" I reply.

"Did you actually say he brought a girl home? What a douche bag." Jenni says and I nod, "I'm going to go to bed, Vanessa is coming in the morning"

I lay bed and slowly fall asleep.

•Next morning•

I get woken up to someone jumping on top of me, it was Vanessa.

"Bitch, You knew I was coming but still slept in" she laughs and I laugh along, "I'm so tired" I groan and put a pillow over my face.

"Sucks, You got 5 minutes to get up" She smiles then leaves the room and I sit up.

(Picture above is Vanessa)

ओह! यह छवि हमारे सामग्री दिशानिर्देशों का पालन नहीं करती है। प्रकाशन जारी रखने के लिए, कृपया इसे हटा दें या कोई भिन्न छवि अपलोड करें।

(Picture above is Vanessa)

I throw my hair up into a messy bun and walk out into the kitchen, "What time is it?" I ask "3" Pauly answers.

"You slept like all day" Vanessa says handing me a cup of coffee, "I'm sorryyy" I pout. "What do you want to doooooo?" She asks and I shrug.

"Let's go to the beach! It's something we haven't done since we got here" Snooki cheers joining the conversation.

"How long will it take everyone to get ready" Sammie asks, "Not long all we gotta do is change basically" Snooki replies.

"So I have to leave the house as soon as I wake up" I complain and Vanessa nods pulling me towards my room.

I put on my plain white bikini and Vanessa puts on turquoise one, "Should we just put dresses over until we get to the beach?" She asks and I nod and throw my black dress over.

"You guys ready to go?" Ronnie asks sticking his head into my room and we both nod.

"He's cute" Vanessa whispers, "No! not aloud. He is with this girl Sammie, I think" I laugh, "What do you mean you think?" she asks, "They're together some days and not the others" I shrug "But the other days he can be with me" She smirks laughing, then we walk out onto the front deck with everyone else.

"What are you guys laughing about?" Ronnie asks, of course he asked us. "Oh nothing" Vanessa says continuing laughing.

Mike; I look over when we are outside and see this hot girl and dawg I would so hook up with her

"Who's this?" Mike asks smirking looking Vanessa up and down, "I'm Vanessa, but most people just call me V" she smiles following the others to walk to the beach.

"Are you excited to be in Miami?" I ask Vanessa, "Yes! I'm more excited to get drunk and go to the clubs though" She giggles causing everyone to laugh.

"I love this girl already" Snooki smiles, "Why because both of you are alcoholics?" Jenni says causing Snooki to laugh.

"Hey, I didn't choose the alcohol life, the alcohol life chose me" Vanessa laughs causing Snooki to laugh so hard she fell.

"Yooo, let's get Ice Cream!" I say noticing the ice cream shop from across the street. "Let's go!" Snooki says pulling Vanessa and I across the street and everyone else follows.

As I'm waiting in line Pauly pulls me aside, "Are you good?" He asks, "Yeah? Why wouldn't I be?" I asked confused.

"Just everything with Vinny that went on last night, You ended up leaving the club because of it so I just wanted to make sure you were okay" he answers. "Oh yeah, I'm okay thanks for checking up on me" I smile then give him a hug then pull away quickly, "I really appreciate it" I add walking back to the group.

"I got you your favourite! Mint chocolate chip ice cream" Vanessa says running over to me but then ends up falling, damn that girl is clumsy.

"Good thing it just ended up on the floor" she giggles and I re order my ice cream.

"Thank you" I smile as the ice cream shop guy hands me my ice cream, "Lets go to the beach, we've been waiting forever" Sammie groans and Vanessa, Snooki and I all begin skipping like 5 year olds.

We arrive at the beach finally and all the girls lay out towels to lay on and begin tanning.

You really thought we were going to the beach to swim?


Hey guys! I hope you enjoyed this chapter, I still don't know who Maya should be with.. but comment what you think they should do next chapter! Because I feel like they go out so much haha.

The Jersey Shoreजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें