nice try love

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Rein Alexander Carter.

I'll give it to him, such a well put name for a well put young man. His name, however, didn't sound familiar. Was I supposed to know him?

He still stood outside the building, in a very serious conversation with the man and the woman.

His parents, maybe?

Piper was still engaged on the match that was outside. Why was she so interested?

"Who?" I questioned Piper.

Still looking out the window, "He's Rein, but he's got the attitude of a fire."


"Okay, and what about him?" I still questioned her. What's the big deal over this guy? For all I know he could just be some loser from New York, just like me.

She looked at me, this time with furrowed brows and a confused look, "You don't know him at all?"

I shook my head. Am I supposed to or am I missing something?

"Do you remember, about two years ago a band was playing at a bar and randomly it set on fire?"

I remember that being all over the news in New York, it headlined for the longest time. A small cover band was playing at Death Company, a local bar. A lot of people had went to and see them perform, and they were having a good time. Until the lead singer stepped on a wet wire and the whole stage blew up. The only person who had got injured was the man who stepped on the wire, the leader singer, and the rest of the band was fine.

"Yes, Death Company." I reminded her, turning my head to look out the window.

"Rein did it."

"What? How could her have done it? The man stepped on a wet wire." I told her.

Piper smirked at me, "Melina, he was in the front row that night. He was drinking something he shouldn't have been."

"Why would he do something like that?" I questioned her, and myself. I looked out the window, and my eyes met his tall figure. Yes, he looked kind of.. intimidating but not the type to do something so cruel.

"Apparently his girlfriend, Persephone-" I cut her off.

"Lindskold? The Victoria Secret model?" I muttered.

"Yes, her. They were dating for a while. He caught her in bed with the lead singer of that band. A few weeks later he's seen in that bar spilling whiskey on the singers wire." She threw her hands up, "then poof," She laughed.

I now understood why he did it, but why isn't he in jail for it? What he did was a crime and he messed up that bar pretty badly. The news never mentioned someone one had did it intentionally, only that the band member was injured, badly.

"Why isn't he in jail?" I asked Piper, who was picking at one of her blue streaks in her blonde hair.

She laughed, now twirling her hair, "Money, honey. He did some time, but when Daddy is a billionaire, you can just pay for the crime."

That makes sense. If you have the money to get your son or daughter out of a crime they definitely committed, you might as well.

Mr. Carter, the woman and Rein, stopped arguing at headed towards the main entrance of the building. The woman looked exhausted and Mr. Carter looked beyond angry. He shifted his tie and soon their bodies were gone.

"They're coming." Piper got up off her knees, scurrying to the keyboard that was in the room. "Melina, come on."

I got up off my knees and followed after her, placing myself in front of the keyboard."Why? What's happening?"

"Follow my lead, it's just in case they come in here, okay?" Piper sat down, turning on the keyboard.

I looked at her and waited for her to begin. She pushed her hair out of her face and huffed. She looked at me and nodded, signaling an 'are you ready,' I nodded back at her.

She began to play a familiar melody to a song that I strongly disliked.

"Ready Melina?" Piper looked at me, "one, two, three, four."

"Just stop your crying, it's a sign of the times." I sang, closing my eyes.

"Welcome to the final show, hope you're wearing your best clothes." With my eyes still closed, memories started to flood into my head.

"You can't bribe the door on your way to the sky." It's getting harder to sing.

"You look pretty good down here, but you ain't really good." Memories of Harry and I were coming to my mind. He used to be so happy, our family was happy. I need to push these away.

"We never learn, we been here before. Why are we always stuck and running from the bullets." Deep breaths Melina, "The bullets."

"We never learn, we been here before. Why are we always stuck and running from the bullets. The bullets."

My mind was instantly taken away from the thoughts of Harry and I, because I heard a familiar drum solo begin. Piper and I were the only ones in the room, or so we thought. We both looked at each other with the same expression.

There he was, Rein was playing the drums.

I took a glance at him confused, then looked back at Piper. "Just stop your crying, its a sign of the times."

There was no guitar, only drums and the keyboard. I was confused, hurt and shocked at what was going on.

Here I was singing a song that I've hated for the past five years. Thoughts of Harry ran through my mind, thoughts of Rein were running through my mind and thoughts of how I'm forever going to scold Piper for this ran through my mind.

"We don't talk enough, we should open up, before its all too much." Why am I still singing this damn song.

"Stop your crying baby, its a sign of the times." You're almost done with this torture, Melina. Keep going.

"We got to get away! We got to get away! We got to, we go to get away!" And with that the song started to slow down, eventually faded.

"Your vocal range could be better, but nice try love." His british voice rang. He stood up leaving the room, leaving me shocked.


- i hope this was good! LOOK HOW GOOD HERO LOOKS OMG
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all the love - J <3

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