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*3 months later* 

"I still can't believe your doing this." My older brother Ansel said while sitting down next to me. "But kiddo, im proud of you." 

"Ugh! Dont make me cry on my wedding day!" I say. 

"Hey, im the one whos supposed to you know, give you the speech. So, have fun I guess?" We both laugh. "How is it that, your getting married before me?"

"I dont know honestly. I mean you were close, until she ran away at the alter." I laugh.

He playfully slaps me, " Hey, dont bring that up! but Honestly, dont you think that your rushing into everything so fast. I mean you've only been dating for what like 6 months." 

"Yeah, I know, but hes the one. I just know it." I say.

"Well if he ever breaks your heart, just know that, im going to break his heart and every other part in his body." We both laugh, "You know if dad were stull alive, he would be proud of you. Im proud of you. Our whole family is proud of you." We hug each other. 

"Oh look! my baby girl!" My mom come in the rooms and starts hugging me crying. 

"Mom! Dont cry! Because if you cry, Ill cry! And my make up!" We both laugh. 

"Okay, Okay. Well I go outside. ill see you when you turn Mrs. Trujillo." She winks. Then Erika comes into the room. 

"I love my bridesmade dress. You have such a great style." She says, "And that wedding dress, its so beautiful. Come on we have to get ready! By the way, your side of the family has such good genes," her voice gets softer, "especially your brother." she winks at me and links arms. I laugh and we walk out. When we get to the back of the chapel where I walk in, Erika gives me a hug and quickly goes  by Jake, who is one of Tony's best men. Chance, is standing with my Twin sister, Addison. Rachel, Anthony's sister, is with her husband Broc. My little brother and sister lead the way as the ring bearer and flower girl. Then went all of the bridesmaids and their men. I locked my arm in between Ansel, and then the music started. We walked in the doors and everyone stood up. We slowly and gracefully walked down the aisle. When I look at Anthony, there were tears in his eyes, and then he started crying. Jake put his arm on his shoulder. I then started tearing. When we got to the alter, Ansel hesitantly, let go of my arm. He took his place behind Anthony, as he was also a best man. 

The pastor begun, "We are gathered here to day in celebration of the matrimony of Anthony Carter (I made this name up) Trujillo and Alyssa Victoria Adams." He continued on. "Now, before we say the vows, does anyone object?"

"I do!" Rocky yells.

"Shut up! No one cares about your opinion" Erika yells back. 

"Honestly, true though." Jake says.

Anthony turned to the pastor, "just ignore her, she isnt even supposed to be here." 

"Okay then, Anthony Carter Trujillo, do you take..." He said his vows and I said mine. "Okay then! With the power invested in me, I pronounce you, Husband and wife!" You may kiss the bride!" We kiss. 

~ time skip to the dinner after~

When everyone was finished eating, Anthony stood up and hit his glass cup with his fork. He was going to make a toast. "No before I make a sappy vow about my love for Alyssa, I think we should tell everyone, the secret weve kinda been keeping from everyone." He looks at me. At first I dont know what he is talking about. And then I realize. 

I stand up, "Well for those who dont know, including both of or parents, Lets all hope this goes well," everyone laughs, "I dont know if you could tell, but Im pregnant." Just then it turned dead silent. 

My mom comes up to me. "Your joking right?" she says.

"Actually, no. I'm pretty serious about this." I say. Cindy comes over and hugs me. So does Tony. Then my mom.

Then Cindy starts crying, "Sorry, im just so happy for you guys! Im going to have a grand baby!" Anthony hugs her.  

"I know this isnt the best time to bring this up, but I think it should be said." He looks at me. 

"Can we wait till tomorrow? I kind of just want to celebrate tonight." I knew what he was going to bring up and I didnt want her to ruin my night. He nods.

"Oh come on!" Rocky comes by us, "You mean, you dont want to tell your own parents that Im also pregnant with Anthony's baby?" Everyone immeditaly starts talking. 

"Oh wait. Sorry, why did I say parents? I meant parent. Because where is you dad? I didnt see him today? Is he a whore like you? Thats why your parents aren't together?" she says.

Tears are starting to come down my face. "If you must know, my father died. He was in the military. He fought for our country. He died in the war." I run out of the room. 


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liked by imanthonytruj, jakepaul, erikaaa_, imchancesutton, officialteam10, and 920,213,453 others 

imalyssatruj NOTHING will ever break us apart. Our love is stronger than ever;) Just remember that...// pc: @nathanspeiser

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imanthonytruj I love you babe

erikaaa_ You guys are the cutest


nick My otp 

rockayyy_ we will see about that...


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⏰ Last updated: Mar 26, 2019 ⏰

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