I untangled myself from Anna's arm and marched up to Preston. He caught my eye and something crossed his features in a flash of a second. It was too late for me to describe it.

"What in the world do you think you're doing?" I demanded.

"Someone's happy to see me back," he joked through that signature smirk of his. Oh how I hated that smirk.

I clenched my teeth. "Are you two back together?"

"Maybe," he said offhandedly.

"Maybe?" I scoffed in disbelief. "I thought you hated her, I thought you no longer wanted to be her lapdog? What happened to your speech about defying her and no longer letting her control us?"

He ran a quick hand thought his hair. "Listen Jade, just stay out of this okay?"

"Something's wrong, I know there is. You can talk to me, Preston. I'll listen, I promise."

"I doubt it. Why don't you just go back to your happy-go-lucky family and leave me the hell alone."

"Is that what you think?" I narrowed my eyes in anger. "You think my life's all rainbows and sunshine? You have no clue about what I've been through. For your information, I went through hell these past couple of days. Thanks for asking."

He smiled bitterly. "You don't know what hell's like."

That hurt.

He didn't know anything about my mother's drug addiction and poor decisions. He didn't know what she did to me, what she let other people do to me. He didn't know about my dad and those pictures. He didn't know what it was like growing up without your parents. And maybe by his standards I wasn't going through hell but what right did he have to decide that for me?

I slowly shook my head. "You're pathetic, Preston. To think I ever felt sorry for you. If you don't wanna talk, you could've just said so."

"I don't wanna talk," he stressed through gritted teeth.

I was taken aback by the sharp edge of his tone. "Where the hell is this coming from? Is it something I said? Did I do something wrong?"

He closed his eyes and took a deep breath. "Jade, drop it."

"No, you're clearly pissed about something. Tell me."

His eyes darkened. "And why the hell should I tell you anything? Who are you to me anyway?"

"I thought we were friends - "

"Friends?" he chuckled like it was the funniest joke he'd ever heard. "We're not friends Jade. You have to know someone before you become friends. I don't know shit about you and you don't know shit about me and I'd appreciate it if we keep it that way."

I grew quiet, at a loss for words. His words stung but I wasn't about to admit it.

"I know you didn't fall off your skateboard."

He snorted and licked his lips. "Do me a favor and stop pretending like you care. I'm sick of people like you - "

"People like me?" I mimicked, not knowing if I should feel offended by that or not.

"Yeah people like you," he hissed and I almost took a step back by the flames ignited in his eyes. "How long have you known me? Since kindergarten? How many times have you seen me come to school with a broken arm or fractured shoulder? How many times have you seen me with a black eye or bruises on my body?"

Too many times, more than I care to admit.

"And how many times have you shown any kind of concern?"

FADED (book I)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora