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August 2023

Ashton clings to my dusty rose pink dress and cautiously looks around the church. Between the unfamiliar faces and chattering guests, he's doing well. Noah straightens his bowtie and kisses his forehead. I smooth his wild brown hair and nuzzle him closer to my chest.

Noah cups my cheek and strokes it with his thumb. His green eyes are filled with happiness and so much adoration for both of us. He draws closer and presses his lips against mine. Butterflies erupt in my stomach as his lips move against mine.

He rests his forehead against mine and smiles.

"You look beautiful, Charlie." He beams.

"And don't you two look handsome?" I kiss Ashton's cheek which kinda makes him smile. He nuzzles his face back into my boobs.

Noah hooks his arm around my waist and gazes between us.

"I can't believe he's eleven months today!" I gasp. "He's growing up too fast but I love watching him learn new things."

"He'll be running around the house soon enough." Noah chuckles. "In a couple of years, your father will want to take him camping."

"I'm not sure I want to send him off into the wilderness."

"Our camping adventures have always been fun." He smirks.

"Another reason I'm not sure about sending him off."

"I doubt snagging the ladies is high up on the agenda." Noah laughs.

"Hm, I suppose."

He strokes Ashton's cheek and smiles.

"Besides, I think it should be Percy and I who reach him how to find a good lady."

I cuddle Ashton to my chest and kiss his cheek.

"Don't say that, I'm not ready for him to grow up that fast."

"I'm not ready either, but I'm loving every minute of raising Ashton, dirty diapers included."

"So you're on nappy duty today?" I wink.

"Yes." He nods. "I would jump back in time and do this all over again."

"Or we could always have another baby?" I smile. "Ashton's eleven months now, so the perfect age to have another."

"Do you actually want to start trying for another baby?" His eyes pop open.

"Do you?"

"Yes." He eagerly nods. "Let's go right now."

Noah tugs on my waist, but I bat his hand away and shake my head.

"Percy's about to get married and you're his best man."

"I suppose we'll have plenty of time tonight." He grins.

That Wasn't Supposed To HappenTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang