Rana Becomes a 1st Year High Schooler?!

Start from the beginning

A girl with bright yellow mid length hair walked in. Her hair was in cute half ponytails and her smile filled the classroom.

"Alright!" a boy clapped in glee.

The girls mumbled to one another "another girl?"

"Nice to meet you! I am Rana Amazaki and from now on I will be your classmate! Please take care of me!" she said with a gentle bow

"RANA!?" Asahi and Akina yelled jumping out of there seats

"Oh hi!!" she said gleefully

"Well you seem to know those two so Rana sit in the empty spot behind Akina and beside Asahi please"

Skipping over to her seat she placed herself beside Asahi "Heya!"

"What are you doing here?" Asahi whispered

In the background the teacher began the lesson

"I was bored"

"You came to school because you were bored!?"

"Yeah, why not"

"Bored!? You wanted to learn because you were bored!?"

"It's fun"

Asahi facepalmed as Rana happily went along with the class but every five seconds Rana had a new question to ask

"What's this?"

"Listen and learn" Asahi said quickly

"But I don't get it. Help me. Help me. Help me"

"Rana shush!"

"Asahi help me"


"Girls!" The two sat up as the teacher sternly stared at them "that's a warning! One more chatter out of the both of you, then you will both be heading outside"

"I told you to shush!" Asahi said with frustration in her voice

"I can't help it, it's all so exciting!"

"Exciting!? If you wanted exciting go outside"

"I'm bored outside"

"Oh my goodness" Asahi said with more frustration "I don't want to get into any more trouble so please be quiet and just listen"

Rana pouted as she watched Asahi ignore her. All the while Akina stared at the girls blankly and sighed. Rana tapped her feet and began making a beat with the pens on her desk.

"Rana! Shush!"

"I'm not speaking!"

"But you're still making noise!"


"Sorry miss" the two said while making faces at each other

"Why can't you behave!" Asahi whispered angrily "aren't you a Princess!"

"What does me being a princess have to do with anything"

"Take some lessons from it! For example, sit properly and be quiet! If you were bored and wanted to go school, then learn! If you came here to bother me then get out!"

"Fine! I thought you'd be happy to see me but looks like you're not"

With that said, Rana got up from her chair and immediately stormed out. All the students including the teacher stared in utter confusion.

"Asahi" Akina said looking at her

"What. She was bothering me"

"Bu- whatever"

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