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Snow had a very distinct voice, and it boomed above me. I frantically looked around to try and find him but the solid concrete walls made it clear that only he could see me. "What the hell is going on?" I asked, angered and standing my ground, but my knees were weak, and my body felt like it was heavier than usual.

"The rebels have seemed to have your friend in their custody." He informed me and I could hear the anger in his voice. "We require you to send a message."

"What kind of message?" I asked.

"We'd like for you to go on a televised interview with Ceasar, and inform them-"

"No!" I shouted. "No!" I couldn't think of anything more to say. No was the only word able to come out of my mouth. "No!" I shouted one last time over his voice. Suddenly he stopped talking. A few moments passed and then a large beam of light surrounded me, causing my body to electrify in excruciating pain. I let out a scream, and after a few moments, the light shut off, and in came two peacekeepers, faces concealed, who latched onto my arms. "Screw you!" I shouted at everyone who was listening. "Down with the Capitol!" A harsh blow hit into my stomach and my knees gave out. My body was so fragile and frail now, it was hard to even walk. The men dragged me into the hall, door slamming behind us.

"I'll take her from here." The familiar voice said to the other peacekeeper and he nodded. "You okay?" Jackson whispered to me, helping me to my feet and leading me back up the hallway. I didn't answer. I refused to speak to this traitor, who I once called a friend. "Look, I know you hate me right now. I joined this when you were in the games. I need you to know, I'm getting you out of here, Arizona. I promise." He assured me, so quietly, I could hardly hear. As we entered the holding cell room, I looked to him briefly and then he shoved me into my cage, walking out and leaving. I stared after him for a few moments and Peeta walked over to the glass, stumbling in his own tracks.

"You okay?" He asked with a shakey voice. I nodded slightly and walked over to him, sitting down next to the barrier. "What happened?"

"Just Snow, wanting me to do some bullshit televised event." I told him.

"Are you going to?" He asked in response and I shook my head, looking down at my scarred up hands.

"Fuck!" I screamed in agony.

"More." His voice demanded of the torturing and an electric shock flushed through my body. I dropped down to my knees, in pain. My whole body felt as though it had been doused in gasoline and lit on fire.

"Now tell us, where are the rebels?" A woman asked.

"I already told you, I don't know!" I screamed back. A prod now stuck itself into my side, and another electrical wave came rushing through. A scream escaped my lips as my eyes darted over to Peeta, Johanna and Annie, being forced to watch my pain.

"Stop it!" Peeta protested, as tears fell down his cheeks.

"Shut up, you're next, tribute." The woman snapped at him. I spit onto her shoe, watching the bloody liquid cover it entirely. Her eyes glared down to me, piercing into my skull. "Again." She demanded of the man holding the electrical stick. Another rush of pain entered my body.

"That all you got?" I snapped, in almost a whisper. Her face was now level with mine.

"We know you know where they are." She spat. "So why don't you save you and your friends some misery and tell us."

"I said I don't fucking know. And even if I did, I'd never tell any of you." I spat again, this time in her face. Red speckles covered her cheeks like freckles and I smirked.

"Take her to the tank."

I could hear the protests of the others in the distance as they began to drag me out, and I knew, I'd be in for it now.

Fawn In The Dawn | Peeta MellarkWhere stories live. Discover now