Thranduil didn't protest as Lúthien continued to collect his hair, pulling it up into a knot and tying it with the leather band. The view was rather lovely, and quite tempting but he kept his composure. When she finished putting his locks into a bun, Lúthien began stepping back to examine her fine work.

But before she could do so, Thranduil caught her wrist and gently pulled her back towards him. A smile tugged at his lips as Lúthien looked up at him.

She rolled her eyes "What is it you oaf?"

His arms snaked around her waist, the touch beneath his palms sending waves of fire with every passing moment. One hand traveled to Lúthien's back, inching her body closer to Thranduil's. She didn't even realize how far she had moved until her body was against his.

The King gently pushed away the hair that annoyingly guarded her from his touch. And as soon as it was out of the way he began placing a trail of tender kisses up and down her neck, leaving a panting Lúthien in his wake.

His hands lost themselves in the tendrils of her soft hair, the smell of Lúthien's lavender soap still lingered in that wild mane of hers.

Thranduil placed one final kiss in the sensitive spot beneath her ear before coming to a sudden halt

"You dare speak so brazenly to your King?" He murmured, his breath prickling against her skin "I ought to punish you for rolling those eyes of yours."

"Hmmm." Was her only reply as placed her hands on his chest, the feeling of his heart thundering beneath her palm made hers skip a beat.

"And how exactly would you do that?" She paused as she began to completely remove Thranduil's robe from his shoulders "If I'm already occupied?" Lúthien glanced down momentarily before looking back up at him through batting eyelashes.

"My deepest apologies my Lord, but I'm afraid I cannot accommodate to your wishes."

Thranduil just stared at her in awe, he couldn't believe what he was hearing. He had to give her credit for being so forward, but this wasn't what he was expecting when he woke up this morning.

"You'll have to forgive me.." was the last thing she said before planting tender kisses of her own over his chest. He was in so much shock, all he could do was just stare at her as she continued made her way further south.

Thranduil could hear his own heart pounding in his ears as Lúthien placed hot pecks along his torso.

Her hands that once massaged his upper body, instantly wrapped around his whole frame as she suddenly pulled Thranduil into the basin.

The splash was so big it sent water over the edge, spilling onto the tile floor. Lúthien couldn't contain her laughter as Thranduil re-emerged with the most betrayed look in his face.

Despite being slightly annoyed with now being soaked, he couldn't help but smile at the sound of her laughter and the way her dimples became visible when she grinned.

"Whoops." Was her only response

"That's all you have to say for yourself?" He said crossing his arms and raising one brow


"I'm afraid you're going to regret that."

"Oh, I don't think I will."

"Oh darling I know you will." Thranduil said wading over to her

"We'll see about that." She said sitting herself down on the highest step in the basin

"I suppose we will."

As Thranduil neared, Lúthien extended her foot out to keep him from coming any closer. She soon realized how big of a mistake that was. He merely grabbed hold of her ankle, and she was curious to see how far this would go so she didn't even bother trying retract it.

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