"Yeah, Taehyung!" Seokjin cheered. He clapped his hands together. The others in the room joined in, but you did see Yoongi late on the clapping train. Not to mention, he didn't look too enthusiastic either. You did your best not to call him out since Hoseok was right there.

"Thank you, Dr. Ahn." Namjoon bowed.

"Please be safe when you do practice outside." Dr. Ahn smiled. "But I'm always here if I'm needed."

"Yeah, he is!" Hoon-ssi grinned. Dr. Ahn chuckled at his new co-worker and waved goodbye to everyone. You gave Hoon-ssi a wink before he and the doctor left. Hoon-ssi tells you about all the progress he's gotten. It's so fun seeing him excited about someone. The only thing the two of you worry about is if Dr. Ahn even plays for Hoon-ssi's team. That's the biggest worry at the moment that Hoon-ssi is a bit too afraid to find out. Once the door closed, Jimin jumped off the mat and ran over to Taehyung.

"We have to celebrate!" Jimin grinned.

"Cake?" Seokjin suggested. "I know a good recipe!"

"That sounds amazing!" Hoseok's mouth watered at the thought of the frosted desert.

"Can we celebrate by practicing outside?" Taehyung asked, getting laughter from the trainees.

"I like that." You nodded.

"We'll get to practicing outside soon. I'm going to have to find us a place though, so I request patience in return." Namjoon kept his hands behind his back. "I will inform you all once the location and enemies are set. Have your resistant uniforms ready. Rules for outside training will be retold when the time comes. Thank you."

"Put some emotion in it!" Seokjin crossed his arms.

"Thank you." Namjoon tried again, his monotone still the same.

"I guess." Seokjin shrugged. Hoseok made sure that no one called Namjoon a robot. Hoseok and you talked about the rude nickname. It got on both of your nerves. Though you guys spoke about it, you haven't brought it up to Namjoon. You didn't know his true feelings about it, but his eyes gave some of it away. Everyone in the room was smiling since it was a good moment. Everyone except Yoongi. His eyes looked dead as he looked over at Namjoon.

"Should we even take Taehyung outside?" Yoongi questioned. "He's only got one sense down and that's touch. How is that going to help us?"

"Hey now," Seokjin whispered at his friend in a scolding tone. That only annoyed Yoongi, earning the eldest a glare that made him instantly tense up.

"Well I'm learning how to fight up close from Jungkook and (F/n)," Taehyung remarked. "And if you say that's not good enough then what does that say about them?"

Yoongi's eyes narrowed on Taehyung. His scowl grew every time Taehyung said your name. He didn't seem to like the purple hair using you against him. Jungkook looked down, not wanting to be a part of the conversation. Hoseok crossed his arms and remained silent. He didn't think it was his place to say anything. There was only one person in the room who had a say since they were brought into this matter. Jimin waited for Namjoon to say something to defend his friend.

"Taehyung will be fighting with us. Dr. Ahn said he was free to return and I made everyone a promise." Namjoon kept a neutral expression. He wasn't on Taehyung or Yoongi's side as he spoke. "I also promised that we could train outside once again after Taehyung gains control over at least one sense."

"I get that, but—" Yoongi started again.

"If you get it then drop it," grumbled Taehyung. Yoongi stopped in his words to look over at the boy again. This time the glare was nastier than before. You felt a stab at your heart to see your two closest friends hating each other.

A New Era of Heroes || BTS x ReaderOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora