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I limped out of the how faster then you could say blue cheese, I wanted to get out of there. How could he be so stupid???? He could've gotten everyone killed and narnia into not only a war but a world war!  I had landed over by the archery targets, I sat on a stone nursing my sore knee.

"Oh there you are.." Susan said panting.

"Just go."

"No I will not."

"Why???? Can't anyone leave me alone for five seconds strait??!!"

"We're worried..are you ok? Is your hand ok?"

"Nothing I can't handle." I cringed as I moved my hand that got cut, it was sore.

Susan came over and bent down so I was eye level with her, she took my hand carefully and turned it over so the cut showed.

"Thought you could use this?" Edmund smirked holding up a bandage.

Susan smiled and took it from him, Edmund sat down next to me. His arm gently snuck over my shoulder and I leaned into him, his other arm wrapped around my front.

"Why did he do that?" I asked.

Susan shrugged, "he didn't know."

"He didn't know my..." Edmund started to say, he was gonna curse and of course Susan didn't approve.

"Language." She looked sternly at him like a mother would, she was warning him not to.

Edmund sighed unamused and continued, "He knew it was dangerous..he just wanted to win this bloody thing the same way Peter did!"

"This is why I think you shouldn't get involved with Caspian...he seems very unpredictable." Susan mentioned gently, however I knew what she was hinting at and I'm not sure it was for my well being.

"And leave Caspian for you to take? No..Susan I know this little game, it's not gonna work." I glared, could this day get any worse??? No wait, don't ask that because it probably will.

She looked at me with a hint of shock and a little destain on her face, "I don't know what your talking about."

"Susan..." I started to say to her, right now I could shake her until her brain fell to the ground but Edmund cut me off before I could dig into her more.

"Su...go find Lucy." Edmund told her softly.

Susan's eyes widened at the thought of Edmund giving her instructions for it was usually the other way around, "But..."

"Su.. now." Edmund told her more sternly then before.

Susan gave a small huff and walked away, Edmund smiled and let go of our embrace.

"Thanks." I said smiling at him with a soft and genuinely grateful smile.

He returned it and got up from the rock he sat on, Edmund held out his hand and looked at me.

"Walk?" He asked.

I smirked and shook my head, I however took his hand and stood up from the rock. My knee was better, however I still was limping a little bit as we walked across the how lawn.

Peters point of view...

I sat thinking on the edge of the stone table, I looked at the carving of Aslan that seemed to be looming over brought a sense of guilt to me.

I did everything wrong, I didn't call off the plan that I do brilliantly thought was a sure fire win. I let half my army to die as well as Christina, I should've made her go back and get treated. Then Caspian he almost brought my brothers worst nightmare back almost killing him and again Christina in the process, I dong know who I was more mad at? Caspian or my self, I sighed and looked at Aslan's carving again.

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