Friends Don't Tell.

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"You want me to what?" Ahsoka yelled at Obi-Wan, bringing the attention of all they eyes in the corridor. Obi-Wan just sighed and pulled her by the arm round the corner so they could continue talking.

"I want you to talk with Anikin... The council thinks he knows who the father is but..." He trailed off, wondering if he should or shouldn't tell Ahsoka.

"But...?" He knew that Ahsoka wouldn't let him go now so he just sighed and gave in.

"I believe that he is the father." Ahsoka gasped at the accusation before she raised her eyebrows.

"Actually, that would explain a lot of things... I mean, have you seen the way they act around each other?" Obi-Wan chuckled as he thought back to the last time he had seen them.

"But what if you are right? What do we do? Do we just hand him over to the Jedi Council for him to be expelled? Anikin has always been there for me, even when the entirely of the Jedi were against me, I do not believe it would sit well on my conscience to just turn him in!" Ahsoka snapped at him.

"Of course we are not going to do that! We are his friends after all! He is like my brother, I couldn't do that to him either! Look, if he is the father, which I don't think he will give up easily, we should be the ones helping him and the Senator..." Ahsoka seemed thoroughly impressed at the thought of Master Kenobi breaking the rules. It was usually Anikin that did that, which was ironic in this situation.


"Hey snips," Anikin smiled as his Padawan entered the cockpit big the ship.

They were due to leave for the Camino. There small task was to shut down the production of clones immediately, seen as the war was over now. This would give Ahsoka the time she needed to ask Anikin about Senator Amidala's children...

"Master, can I ask you something?" She started, mustering up the courage to ask him.

"Sure snips" he chuckled as he pressed a few more buttons and the ship started to rise into the air. She waited untill her Master had set it on autopilot and he turned towards her.

"Are you the father of Senator Amidala's children?" She blurted out quite fast.

Anikin went as white as a sheet. He gulped and tried not to panic. How did she know? Did everyone know? What was going to happen to him? Was he even going to reply to her answer so he didn't look so guilty by not answering?

"Um... Where is this coming from Ahsoka?" He managed to get out, though his voice had gone hoarse.

His panic could not only be seen on his face, but Ahsoka could sense it through the force. She felt ashamed that she had put him in this position. It was not only a private question, but one that he was afraid to answer.

"Master, I won't give you into the Jedi Council. You know I wouldn't do that! I just need to know, just trust me!" She pleaded as she felt his fear increase. But then, all this crumbled down and Anikin looked her in the eye.

"Yes... I am the father..." With that, he looked down at the floor in defeat trusting her not to tell anyone of his most precious secret.

"Why didn't you tell me sooner, Skyguy?" Her voice was soft and gentle as she out her hand on his shoulder and made him look up at her, "I won't tell. Me and Obi-Wan have promised to help you in any way we can..." She smiled as she felt relief replace his fear.

Finally, a smile made its way onto Anikin's face as he realised that he didn't have to keep it a complete secret anymore.

"Now," She punched him on the arm, going back to her usual snippy self, "tell me everything!" She demanded, "from the beginning!"

"Well... I guess I could start from when I first met Padme... We were instantly friends... But when I became a Jedi, my duties ordered me elsewhere. When next we saw each other, we had grown up..." He hesitated.

"Go on..." She insisted.

"After our reunion, we finally got to grips with our feelings for one another... And we kinda... Sorta..."

"Spit it out!" She couldn't bear the suspense.

"We kinda got married..."

Ahsoka was in shock! Married? How? When? How did they manage to keep something as big as marriage a secret? How long have they been married? How has Master Yoda never sensed this before? Anikin could tell that Ahsoka had questions... That was ok... They only had a few hours before they made it to Camino. He had time...


When they arrived back at the capitol the next day, Master Kenobi was waiting for Ahsoka in the landing bay, hoping for answers. When the ship landed, Anikin and Ahsoka stepped out. Anikin gulped, waiting for the usual 'you broke the rules again, Anikin' talk. Ahsoka was buzzing with excitement to tell Obi-Wan about all that her Master had told her.

"I take it you found out the truth?" He asked the young Jedi.

"Anikin's going to be a father!" She squealed loudly, making both the men with her say 'ssshhhh' and looked around defensively.

"So it is true..." Obi-Wan sighed. He knew that Anikin was breaking the rules, but all the same, he was happy for him.

Anikin just looked at his feet, still expecting his former Master to either turn him over to to tell at him. Instead, something happened that no one expected. Obi-Wan pulled Anikin into a short hug, and when he pulled away, he had a big smile in his face. Master Kenobi just gave into his feelings. He took on his 'big brother' roll again, and let himself be proud of his former Padawan.


Anikin was still a little shocked from the hug, but when that wore off, he smiled at his two best friends who would be risking their own place in the Jedi ranks just for him. Just wait till he told Padme!

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