How Could You...?

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"Here it is." Said Luna as they approached the front gates.

"Well duh," said Ron in a rather nasty tone. "What you think we're at the fairy fun house?"

"Enough! I don't know why I did this, because clearly you two are to immature to get along!" Yelled Draco. "I'm going in." And he was off.

The two stared at each other before Luna ran off with Draco, leaving Ron, once more, outside by himself. "God dammit." Said Ron before running after Luna and Draco.

✧ ✧ ✧

"What a pity, I assumed your friends would never bother to save you but I didn't think they would actually give up on you that easily!" Whispered Voldemort into Harry's ear. 'Ew, thought Harry 'he whispered in my ear! He whispered in my god damn ear for Merlin's sake!'

"Dark Lord Voldemort Sir." Said a death eater bowing.


"The boy needs to die in 28 minutes sharp in order for the potion to be finished." The death eater finished. It's voice was high pitched, sounding like a...female? Clearly Voldemort must have read his mind because he said,

"Un-mask yourself."

She did as she was told.

Harry was shocked as to who was behind the mask. He now knew the truth. The girl he used to treat with respect, was a death eater. And her name was,

                                  ✧ ✧ ✧

"It's so creepy here, it's almost like Malfoy Manor, beautiful with dark secrets within." Luna whispered as they crept down the halls.

"Because you would know." Scuffed Ron. Who was on the opposite side of Draco, causing him to be in the middle of their arguing.

"I was taking to Draco not you scum bag." Replied Luna with a angered face on. Ron knew Luna was kidnapped and brought to the Malfoy Manor. He knew she hated it. Causing it to be the perfect argument tool. Draco suddenly felt a strong feeling of guilt. Like being slashed with an invisible sword (>:3 do you get it?) He used to live in Malfoy Manor. He did this to her.

"Luna..." Draco said sadly. He was about to break apart Luna and Rons fighting (again) but all of a sudden a bunch of death eaters ran right past them. "Hide!" Luna whisper yelled to them. They did as they were told and believe it or not, Harry was with them! But then he saw something even more shocking. A girl was holding Harry bridal style. And- wait a second, Harry got the Dark Mark?!

"Ron! Luna!" He whisper yelled again towards them. "Harry got the Dark Mark!"

"What?!' They whisper yelled back.

"Look!" Draco said while staring at Harry and the female Death Eater rather than his 'teammates' "Come on we gotta move!" Draco ran from out of the wall and to another room.

"Bloody hell Draco what are you doing?!" Said Ron.

"I know what I'm doing!" Draco ran to a room the said DARK SUPPLIES. MUST BE QUALIFIED TO ENTER.

"Are you qualified mate?" Luna asked surprisingly calm.

"Yeah yeah yeah." Draco lifted up his sleeve to find a very faded version of the Dark Mark.
"Let's hope this devil still works."

"Might wanna hurry mate! I hear other footsteps!" Ron whispered.

Draco took out his wand and pointed it to his faded mark while he did some kind of ancient spell that not Luna or Ron recognize. One they haven't been taught in school,

"Kodormofe Onouchies!" The door and Draco's arm lit up with a gray glowing light and Draco started to lid off of the air. His mouth started to bleed a bit but everything else seemed pretty normal. As Draco was set back on the ground the door opened.

"What kind of spell is that?!" Ron asked Draco who still had blood dripping from his mouth.

"It's a dark spell. It's kind of like Alohamora but a little more, extreme..."

"DRACO RON WATCH OUT!" Luna screamed. A death eater had found them and were rushing towards them when Luna screamed. "PROTEGO!" A shield was around them. "GO GET HARRY I'LL HANDLE THEM!" As soon as the two boys were about to dash off Luna told Draco, "Be careful, their looking for you." And before Draco could ask any questions, Ron took Draco and apperated away.

They were in a dark hall way. Apparently they hadn't gone to far from Luna when they heard a scream. "WAAAAAAAA!" Draco and Ron heard Luna shriek.

"LUNA!" Ron yelled as he dashed down to where they left.

"RON!" Draco grabbed Ron by the wrist. "She's got this. We're going after Harry remember?"

Ron hesitated. 'Surprising.' Draco thought to himself. 'For all the fighting they we're having on the way here he sure does seem to care about her. People are weird.'

"Right." Said Ron.

✧ ✧ ✧

For the first time I believe in this whole Wattpad, I believe this is my first time doing first person! Well, here you go!

Everything hurt. I couldn't breath. I couldn't see. I couldn't believe it. Ginny Weasley. The girl I used to love (boi u gay) WAS A DEATH EATER! Only one thought flew through my head.

She needs to die.

Alright back to 3rd person,

"My dearest Dark Lord Voldemort sir. The boy has arrived." Ginny said.

Voldemort was currently standing at the end of a very long hallway. Dark and empty.

Ginny took Harry down the end of the hallway

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Ginny took Harry down the end of the hallway.

"Yesss, such a faithful troop!" Voldemort exclaimed towards Ginny. "It's always the ones who turn that have the best performance...." He said.

"This is what you get for betraying me for him." Ginny muttered im Harry's ear. "Get ready for your do-."

"GINNY DARK LORD SIR VOLDEMORT WATCH OUT!" Screamed another death eater. Ron And Draco ran into the room and threw spells at everyone they could hit.

Luna not with them.

Death eaters laid on the floor dead because of Voldemort's missed spells when...

"RON WATCH OUT!" Ginny screamed at the top of her lungs when she dropped Harry and ran in front of her brother with his back turned as he was helping Draco up when Voldemort screamed.

"AVADA KADVRA!" Harry saw it with his own eyes. It seemed like the scene played in slow motion. Him falling to the ground, Ginny running over to her unexpected brother, Voldemort's spell, the death of Ginny Weasley.

"GINNY!!" Screamed Ron as his sister dropped to the floor.

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