A Weasel And A Ferret

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This chapter is going to have a lot of "text chats" like,
"I hate u"
"I hate u more"
Stuff like that, so if you don't like that, step on a lego my friend >:3

                                       ~Author Chan (•ө•)

"Hey hey hey pass the hair gel would yah?" Draco asked. They were standing in front the mirror at Harry's house, who we're going to go straight to Voldemort's castle (that's we're they found out Harry was at) but decided better of it, thinking it would be easier to have some allies, so they were going to go and see if Luna could help.

"Didn't I tell you not to be a prat?" Ron said while brushing his teeth.

"Um yeah, wait. IT'S 8:36 PM WEASLEY!"





"Ok ok jeez..!"

"Thank you."

And with that Draco and Ron left the house.

✧ ✧ ✧

"I never thought this day would come!" Shouted Voldemort, fellow death eaters laughing in the background. "Pathetic little Potter." He teased.

"LET ME GO YOU BITCH!" Screamed Harry who still had one hand stuck in chains. "I'LL KILL YOU ONCE AND FOR ALL!" His wand, so close, yet so far away. (sorry I love that line) Harry felt hopeless, it's been 5 days and Draco still wasn't here yet. In 2 more days would be the day that he died if Draco or Hermione didn't come. He was scared. For the first time in his life, Harry James Potter. Was scared.

✧ ✧ ✧

"Pleaseee!" Said the ginger boy. "Immm hungry Draco!"

"It's been 3 hours since we've eaten dinner. Are you not satisfied?" Draco and Ron were walking towards long lost friends house, Luna Lovegood.

29 Minutes Later

Draco and Ron arrived at Luna's house.

Knock knock

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

Knock knock

"Coming!" Came Luna's charming voice from inside. Ron sighed.

"What's wrong?" Draco asked as Luna opened the door.

"Hello Draco!" Luna said in a happy tone she was wearing a white sweater with light blue overalls, "and, you." She has dropped the happy tone she was carrying, is what Draco had noticed when she saw Ron.

"Is there something I'm missing here?" Draco asked curiously. "Cause I'm pretty sure you guys used to be pretty close, too close." He muttered that last bit to himself, saying the rest out loud.

"Who is it Luna?" Said a familiar voice from inside the yellow hut. Out walked Newt, holding a little girl in his arms.

Ok ok before we continue, this is my series and in my series Newt is in this universe and is about the same age as everyone else in the story so everything works out fine, I had the idea and I liked it so I put it in action, thank you

"Hello, Draco, Ron." Newt said. Draco swore he could see anger on Ron's face when he saw Newt, just for a slight second.

"Mommy mommy! Daddy took me to airplanes yesterday when you were at work!" The little girl exclaimed.

"Shh! That's supposed to stay a secret!" Exclaimed Newt who only got giggles out of the girl.

"Newt!" Said Luna, who clearly didn't like the idea of Newt taking her to see airplanes or really anything at such a young age in the muggle world. "Ah sorry about that, please do come in." She said, opening the door wider for Draco but then slamming shut in on Ron's face, causing him to have to stay outside. "So what brings you here on this lovely, cold harsh evening?" Luna said while sitting on the couch next to Newt and her daughter.

"Before I start, whats wrong with you and Ron?" Draco asked curious to their behavior towards each other."

"It's nothing," she dropped her voice to no higher than a whisper. "we used to date for like, 8 months, he left me for Hermione, I found Newt, the end." She said.

"Oh, well I need you to help me." He said as the little girl came running up to him. She was wearing a dress plastered with a bunch of banana prints.

"Hi! My names Aerwyna! I'm 5 years and 2 month old, my birthday is July 6th, my favorite fruit is strawberries, I like to dance, I luv my mommy and daddy, I know how to perform one spell of magic, my favorite color is yellow, and I love bunnies!" Aerwyna said.

"Wow Aerwyna, you sure got alot to say." Said Draco amused by how open she was taking to him, a person she's never heard of in her life.

"I wanna here about you now!" Said the small blonde jumping up and down.

"Sorry but I need to have a serious conversation with mommy for a second, ok?" Said Draco as he stood up along with Luna

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

"Sorry but I need to have a serious conversation with mommy for a second, ok?" Said Draco as he stood up along with Luna.

"Ok!" Said Aerwyna who quickly gave him a hug and sent back to playing with Newt. Draco lead Luna into the kitchen, hearing playful screams of Newt and Aerwyna in the distance.

"So what is it that you need assistance on Draco?" Luna asked.

"Harry has been kidnapped by the Dark Lord and I need you to help me save him." Said Draco, soon realizing there's a leak in his boat of plans. If she had said yes, she would have to work with Ron, which she clearly didn't want to do 'Eh,' Draco thought to himself, 'Let's just see how his unfolds.'

"Oh yes! I would do anything to help a friend in need!" Said Luna. "My, we must save him right away! Come on now!" By now, Luna had grabbed him by the wrist and was rushing towards the door.

"Bye love!" Said Newt before they left.

"Bye Newt, Aerwyna!" And they were out the door. Because they were now outside Luna had ran right into Ron who was waiting.

"Ron..!" Said Luna angrily. "I could have fallen! And it would be your fault!" Draco had never seen Luna this mad at someone before, maybe he just hadn't looked into her deep enough.

"I'm sorry stupid head! Maybe if you had been looking where you were going you wouldn't have bumped into me!" Yelled Ron.

"SILENCE!" Yelled Draco. They stopped. "We're all going to Voldemort's castle together. Weather you like it or not!" He said in a strong tone, not wanting the fighting to continue.

"F-fine!" They said together. Sending each other death glares. 'Merlin sake these two' Draco's thought to himself before apparating them to Voldemort's castle.

And when the sun first fell that night, they were ready, walking up to the gates of the Dark Lords castle.

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