Chapter Seven

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Hadley pushed open the window to Grey's room and climbed in, carefully in order to not make any noise

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Hadley pushed open the window to Grey's room and climbed in, carefully in order to not make any noise. She always found herself coming back, even though he wasn't here for her to go to. She didn't even intend to come here, she just followed where her mind was telling her to go.
Hadley looked around the empty room. Well, it wasn't empty, it still had the furniture and some of Grey's stuff but it felt more empty than it ever had. Just like Hadley did. She took a step forward, brushing her hand over the bed. She picked up the t-shirt that was strewn across the bed and brought it up to her nose, inhaling his scent. It was there. Fading, but still there. Hadley fell onto Grey's bed, bursting into tears. She lay on the bed, facing the ceiling.

"I fucking miss you." She sobbed into his shirt, which she had used to cover her face. "You don't know how hard it is... I know you're happy in Auradon... with your friends... your girlfriend..." She spoke into nothingness. "I thought I'd be okay... I thought I could go on without you here... I thought I could be strong. But I'm not. I'm fucking not." She continued to sob. "Why did you have to go?" She questioned, her grip on his shirt tighter. If she thought hard enough, she could feel him with her. She could feel him telling her it would be okay. "I thought things would get better now that I have Harry, now that I'm the Captain. Now that I have something to distract me from my thoughts about you. But..." She shook her head, not being able to continue through her sobs. "I can't do this without you. I need you. I fucking need you more than I thought I did. I thought I could learn to deal with life here without you... turns out I can't. I really can't. And I sound like a fucking idiot because you're not even here to listen to me but I wish you were. I fucking wish you were. I just need to see your stupid face." She sobbed. "I don't know how much longer I can be without you... it feels like I've fucking lost you. You're the only person who I was fucking good enough for. You're the only person who truly fucking understood me... do you miss me too? Or have you forgotten about me? Because you have realised how much better you can do... how much better off you are without me..." She trailed off. A voice in the back of her mind was shouting at her. Telling her how much of a disgrace she was. How useless she was. How she was a waste on this Earth. It was her father's voice.

Suddenly, Hadley found herself unable to breathe. Her heart was pounding. A wave of nausea and dizziness overtook her and she felt like she was going to pass out. She took sharp and uneasy breaths.

"Just breathe." Grey's voice echoed in the back of her mind. Her heart was pounding in her ears, but the voice was still lingering there. It repeated. Just breathe. She thought to herself.

"Just breathe..." Hadley said out loud, closing her eyes. She slowly began to breathe. In through her nose, out through her mouth, just as Grey had advised her. Her heartbeat began to regulate, as did her breathing. Slowly, she began to calm down. Her eyes fluttered open to meet the cracked ceiling. "Just breathe..." She whispered to herself. She let out a long, gentle breath and brought Grey's shirt up to her chest, clutching it there. "I miss you, Greyson Gothel."

Hadley had decided that now was the best time to leave Greyson's place. She knew she couldn't stay there forever. She was only reluctant to leave because she had nowhere at all to go. She couldn't face Harry yet. Plus, she was going to wait until he came to talk to her. She had done nothing wrong. Or perhaps she'd reacted too strongly. She didn't know. All she did know was that she wasn't going to give in to herself this easily.
Just as Hadley approached the window, she stopped dead. The door. She heard the doorknob twist and her stomach flipped. Gothel. She hadn't even been loud... how did that old hag know she was there? It had never happened before, and Hadley had been in Grey's room many times since he left.

"Well I should have known." Mother Gothel's voice made Hadley turn her head to the woman. "Look what the cat dragged in." Hadley rose an eyebrow.

"Cat? You can't think of a worse insult?" She questioned.

"I wasn't calling you a cat, dear." Mother Gothel said in her usual pseudo-sweet tone. "I thought Hades would at least have the ability to bring up a smart child."

"Hades didn't bring up a child anyway." Hadley said coldly, standing up with her arms crossed over her chest.

"Ah, yes, that's right." Mother Gothel nodded slowly. "If he had actual control over you-"

"I'd be in the Underworld where I belong. I know." Hadley rolled her eyes. "Are we done here?"

"No, dear, I'm afraid we're only just getting started." Mother Gothel stepped towards Hadley, looking her up and down. "I never understood what my son saw in you. But then again, you are the Slut of the Isle. I'm sure you satisfied him well. Better than that princess." Gothel scoffed. Her words hit Hadley like a ton of bricks. She was at her sensitive and vulnerable state, therefore it hurt her. "Oh, you've been crying, how pathetic." Mother Gothel chuckled slightly as Hadley wiped her eyes. "Don't worry, he'll be back soon."

"He's gone for good." Hadley said solemnly. "He's not coming back."

"Oh, but he will, dear." Mother Gothel smirked evilly. "Actually... I remember him being quite fond of you. You could be the perfect little tool..." She stepped forward, reaching out to touch Hadley's hair. However, Hadley stopped her, holding a forceful grip on the old woman's wrist.

"I'm not going to be a fucking ploy in your plan." Hadley said through gritted teeth.

"But he abandoned the both of us, for a pathetic princess." Mother Gothel replied, looking into Hadley's eyes as they began to glow blue.

"He didn't abandon me. He left for love." Hadley corrected. "He found a better life for himself. And as long as he's happy, I'm happy." She said. She could feel the heat radiating from her skin. But she had no intention to stop. She had this urge to burn Mother Gothel. She wanted the old hag to burn.

"But that's a lie. You're not happy at all. We can work together to get him back to us." Mother Gothel declared.

"I'd rather die than work with you, you old bitch." Hadley seethed. Suddenly, Mother Gothel let out a yelp of pain. She quickly pried her wrist out of Hadley's grip. It now had a burn on it, the flesh pinking.

"You little slut!" Mother Gothel shouted. Hadley emotionlessly jumped, kicking Mother Gothel directly in the face. The woman fell to the floor, her nose bleeding, and Hadley left out of the window, slamming it down shut behind her, with such a force that the glass cracked even more than it already had.



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