I Know What He's Here For

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    As Brian walked into the small market and café, he could feel beads of sweat roll down the back of his neck. Some of it due to the ungodly heat California was throwing today, not that he was a stranger to heat being from Florida, but a few were from thinking of all the ways that this mission could go wrong.

    He had been in here every day for weeks hoping to see his target and had yet to get lucky. Well, that's not completely true, the sister, the person he absolutely could not let himself fall for was making him wish the impossible was possible. He threw down his magazine and took his normal stool. As he sat down at counter, he realized he was in luck today. There, in the office behind the screen, was the one and only Dominic Toretto. What surprised him was the person sitting next to the imposing man. At first glance he thought it was a teenager, especially with the song choice she was quietly belting out, but as he looked closer, he realized that this was a full-grown woman...just a small one. "Tuna on white, no crust, right?" Being said kept him from staring. "I don't know, how's the tuna today?" flirting never hurt, right?

    Her name was Mia...Toretto, a definite no go if he wanted to keep his career. But damn if she didn't make him think twice. She was beautiful, smart, and a smartass. She was just his type. "Every day for the last three weeks you've been coming in here and asking me, how the tuna is, now it was crappy yesterday, it was crappy the day before, and guess what...hasn't changed." See, marriage material. He smiled flipping through the parts magazine. "I'll have the tuna." "No crust?" "No crust." He echoed.

   He looked back to the screen to see that he had caught the attention of the woman on the other side. Still mouthing the words of the song playing, but not breaking eye contact with him. Dominic seemed to notice she had stopped singing and looked up saying something to her he couldn't hear. She nodded with a smile, still not breaking eye contact with the blonde at the counter. Dominic stood with a stretch and paced over to the nearest drink cooler. Turning from the cooler he too locked eyes with the guy that had been flirting with his sister for weeks now. She might be an adult by law, but not by brother standards. Their stare-off ended when Dominic made his way back to his office with a beer and a Dr. Pepper.

   Sitting back down, he slid the soda to her and popped the tab on his beer. Finally she took her eyes off Brian and kissed Dominic on the arm with a loving look. Well, this was an interesting turn of events for Brian. Everything they had on file for Toretto said he was with the Latina called Letty. Seems even intel was wrong sometimes. As he watched, he saw Dominic pull what looked to be a pill bottle out of his pocket and hand it to the girl. She took it with a thankful smile and popped two of the unknown pills while giving the man a grateful smile...interesting.

   As he waited for his lunch, he flipped through the pages of the newest performance parts thinking of how he was going to get the man behind the screen to trust him. Hearing the sound of performance engines tearing their way towards him, he looked up seeing the rest of the "crew" he was here to investigate. Driving in a precision line they smoothly pulled into the parking on the side of the market. He could hear them talking and laughing outside before they stumbled into the café. First in was Vince, the hot-headed best friend since grade school. Followed by Letty the thought to be girlfriend. Then the latecomers, Leon and Jesse. No one knew much about them, just that they showed up at the garage one day and never left. "Hey Mia." from the guys. "How you livin', girl?" asked Letty, walking towards the back. "Hey guys." answered Mia as she set Brian's sandwich down.

   Letty leaned on the door of the office space, "Hey Dom, Hey Ally." She said pulling down her shades. Now that he saw them together, they looked really similar. No wonder intel thought he was with Letty. The girl in the office was a bit softer, and seemed to dress a bit less harsh, but there was no mistaking them as anything but sisters, likely twins. "Hey Let, you here to get a free meal and see your favorite sister?" Letty gave a small guff "Your my only sister, Ally." The girl nodded, "Like I said, your favorite." Letty couldn't help but smile, her sister had the ability to make a person smile no matter their mood. It was her ability to also tear apart their lives the next minute that made people see how similar they were. "You need a drink, girl?" Letty asked knowing that her sister's condition required medication at least three times a day and she preferred meal times. Ally just held her can up to show her sister. She smiled, "Nah, Big Daddy has me covered. Got up and got me a drink and everything." She said in a laughingly sarcastic tone. Letty laughed as Dom gave the woman a mock threatening look.

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