Finding Poipole

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( Team Fireball arrived in Ultra Space and Kaz saw a bunch of Pokémon from other regions.)

Yeager, there's a lot of Pokémon, where are we supposed to look for Poipole?

I'll get on my Pidgeot, and see if I can find it from above.

Ok, good luck.

( As Yeager left on his Pidgeot, Kaz and the rest of Team Fireball searched for Poipole on the ground.)

Hey Poe, do you see anything?

Not yet Kaz, Scizor is speaking to the wild Pokémon to see if they've seen Poipole.

Hey Poe, what does Poipole look like?

It's a poison and dragon type, so it can fly and it fire poison from the top of it's head.

( After hours of walking, Yeager came back.)

Yeager, did you see Poipole?

Yeah, follow me, it's this way. Kaz send out your Charizard.

Ok, Charizard, come out.


Poe, let's do this.

I'm right behind you Kaz.

( So Team Fireball flew on their Pokémon and finally arrived at where Poipole is.)

Guys, I see Poipole.

Ok, I'll catch it.

( So Poe threw the poke ball at Poipole and he caught it instantly.)

Great work Poe, let's go get some more strong Pokémon.

Thanks Kaz, and I have one question.

Yeah, what is it?

What Pokémon would be super effective against Alolan Persian?

A fighting type Pokémon.

Ok, let's check the Pokédex and see what fighting type Pokémon is going to be super effective against that Alolan Persian.

( After a few minutes of searching through the Pokédex, Poe found a Pokémon called Lucario.)

Kaz, I found the perfect fighting type Pokémon.

Really, what is it?

It's a Lucario.

I'll catch him, I feel like I have a strong aura with this fighting type.

A strong aura, what do you mean by that Kaz?

It's like the force, Jedi can sense the dark side through the force. It's what my dad used to tell me about the Old Republic and the Clone Wars.

( After catching Lucario, Team Fireball got on Sogaleo, and exited the Ultra Wormhole.)

Hey guys we're back.

Where did you guys go?

We went into the Ultra Wormhole and ended up in Ultra Space to catch two new Pokémon, Lucario and the Ultra Beast Poipole.

( Hello everyone, I'm Lucario.)

Did that Lucario just talk?

Yeah, he uses telepathy to talk to humans and some other Pokémon speak using telepathy too.

That's true, I watched a Pokémon movie and Lugia has telepathy just like Lucario.


Yeah, and Lugia took on Articuno, Zapdos, and Moltres by himself.

That's one strong legendary.

Yeah, I wish I could see that battle in real life.

Kaz, don't worry you will see the battle one day.

You're right Yeager, and I have a new Pokémon, Lucario.

( As the afternoon was coming to an end, Poe and his Pokémon were sitting by the fire. And Kaz decided to joined them.)

Hey Kaz.

Hey Poe, how'd you like riding on my Charizard for the first time?

It was amazing, and Poipole is right behind you.

Hey Poipole.

Poi, Poipole.

(Hey Kaz.)

Hey Lucario, want to join us by the fire?

( Yeah, and who is this person I heard you guys talk about?)

His name is Negan and he has a Alolan Persian.

( An Alolan Persian, I thought they were native to Alola.)

I thought so too Lucario, but Negan managed to catch one somehow.

( As Team Fireball was planning their strategy, Negan is watching their every move and Yeager doesn't know that they are being watched.)

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