Kaz's Charmeleon evolves

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( Two days after Kaz's sickness, his Charmeleon finally evolved into Charizard.)

Rawr, Charizard roared in response.

Congratulations on evolving Charizard.

Hey Kaz, we heard a noise, what's going on?

Yeager, that noise was from my newly evolved Charizard.

Your Charmeleon evolved?

Yeah, do you want to see him?

Yeah, send him out.

Ok, Charizard, come on out and meet everyone.

( So Kaz's Charizard came out of its poke ball with a roar.)

He's amazing Kaz, I'm proud of you for being the best that no one ever was.

Thanks Yeager, it took a lot of training and bonding with my Pokémon team to get me this far and I won't stop now.

You're right Kaz, and your not alone, we're all here right beside you ready with Pokémon of our own.

Wait, you have Pokémon?

Yeah, I have six Pokémon.

What are your six Pokémon?

My six Pokémon are Pidgeot, Sceptile, Sogaleo, Umbreon, Gallade, and Palkia.

Woah, where did you get a Sogaleo and Palkia?

I found them randomly in the wild.

Can I see them.

Yeah, everyone come on out and meet everyone, Yeager said as he threw six of his poke balls and one by one his Pokémon were sent out including his Palkia and Sogaleo.

Woah, they're amazing Yeager.

Yeah, they are the best Pokémon team I have.

Hey Kaz, you probably didn't know this but, I had to battle this evil organization called Team Galatic to get Palkia.


Yeah, and after I battled their leader, I saw Palkia and I caught it. After I caught it, I also encountered Dialga and Girantina.

Woah, that's incredible Yeager, I didn't know that.

Yeah, and I battled them with my Sogaleo.

You battled Team Galatic with just your Sogaleo?

Yeah, and I rode on his back while battling Team Galatic.

Wow, that's incredible Yeager.


Hey Rowlet, are you getting along with Charizard and Lycanroc?

Koo, Koo, Rowlet nodded in response.

That's good to hear.

( As the morning turned into the afternoon, Kaz saw a Froakie.)

Poke ball go, Kaz said as he threw it at the Froakie and it got caught instantly.

Hey Yeager.

Hey Kaz, did you just catch a new Pokémon?

Yeah, I just caught a Froakie, do you want to meet him?

Yeah, I would like to meet him.

Hey guys, what's going on?

Hey Poe, I just caught a Froakie and I'm about to send him out.

( So Kaz sent out his Froakie to show the rest of Team Fireball.)

He's cool, I can't wait until he evolves into a Greninja.

Yeah, I can't wait either, I want my Greninja to turn into this form called Ash-Greninja and I know this because I watched an episode of the anime and I want to be able to command him to throw water shurikens at people who try to destroy the town.

How big can the water shurikens get?

Really big, and I'm looking forward to seeing Greninja use it on one of Giovanni's Pokémon.

( As the afternoon ended, the sun started to set.)

Guys, it's getting dark. I'll start dinner, you guys just relax.


Hey Kaz?


Do you think Giovanni will show up to the town?

Probably, if he does, me and Yeager will be ready to battle him.

Hey Kaz?

Yeah Poe?

I forgot to tell you this, I have five other Pokémon.

Really, what are your other five Pokémon?

My other five Pokémon are Arcanine, Alolan Marowak, Milotic, Glaceon, and Scizor.

Wow, that's amazing.

Hey guys, dinner is ready.

Come out everyone, Kaz called to his Pokémon and Poe called out his Pokémon and Yeager called out his Pokémon.

( After dinner, Team Fireball sat down by the fire.)

Hey Yeager?

Yeah Kaz?

I have a bad feeling.

What do you have a bad feeling about?

I have a bad feeling that Giovanni might come with a whole army of Team Rocket grunts.

( After sitting by the fire, Kaz and Yeager went to bed not knowing what is about to happen tomorrow.)

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