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( It was late in the morning, and Yeager is noticing that Kaz isn't feeling that great and he was by his side.)

*Coughs*, Yeager, I feel lightheaded.

It's going to be ok Kaz, just hang in there, I'll go get Poe and the rest of Team Fireball.

( So Yeager walked over to where the rest of the crew was and he told them what was wrong with Kaz.)

Ok, we're right behind you Yeager.

We're coming Kaz, just hang in there, Yeager said as he walked back with the rest of Team Fireball.

( So Team Fireball got back to where Kaz is and Yeager immediately was by his side.)

Y-Yeager, i-is that you?

Yeah, it's me Kaz, how are you feeling?

I feel lightheaded.

"Kaz," Yeager said as he caught him in his arms.

What happened Yeager?

He passed out and I need help getting him onto his bed.

Ok, let's get him onto his bed.

( Two hours later, Kaz woke up.)

*Groans,Coughs *, Y-Yeager where am I?

You are in bed, what is the last thing you remember?

All I r-remember is that I felt lightheaded and then I passed out in your arms, Kaz said as he started to cough.

Hey Yeager.

Hey Tam.

How is he feeling?

Not great, some of us have to go into the city to see if they have medicine that can help Kaz.

Ok, I'll take Torra and we'll go into the city.

Ok, good luck and be safe.

Ok Yeager, we will.

( After Torra and Tam left to go get medicine, Yeager sat by Kaz's side while Poe went to get a bucket of cold water and a rag.)


It's going to be ok Kaz, I'm not going anywhere.

I'm back with the bucket of fresh cold water and a rag.

Thanks Poe, if I need you for anything, I'll call you over.

Ok Yeager.

( While Yeager was taking care of Kaz, Poe sat down in a chair that he found.)

Hey Poe, is Kaz going to be ok?, Neeku said as he felt concerned for him.

I hope so, Tam and Torra went to go look for medicine in the city while Yeager is taking care of him.

Talon, Talonflame.

Yeah, I hope he's going to be ok too Talonflame.

( Back over with Yeager, he is putting a cool washcloth on Kaz's head.)

*Groans*, Yeager?

Yeah Kaz, what's wrong?

Can you hold my hand?

Yeah, I got you Kaz and I'm not letting you go, Yeager said as Kaz looked at him with a sigh of relief.

( Two hours later, Tam and Torra came back with the medicine.)

Yeager, we're back with the medicine.

Great work guys, thank you.

You're welcome, let's just hope this medicine works.

( After three hours, the medicine worked and Kaz was feeling better than before.)

Kaz, how are you feeling?

I'm feeling better Yeager, and thank you for everything.

You're welcome Kaz, I'll do anything to help you and the crew.

( As the morning turned into the afternoon, Kaz decided to rest up after his sickness and Yeager saw him and couldn't help but smile.)

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